Chapter 9

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Master locked the door behind us as we exited his room. Where were we going? I was too nervous to ask. Maybe I didn't want to know anyway.

"Put this on." He said as he handed me a red scarf. "It will show the others you are my property."

"Property?" ... the word just came out. Like I was thinking out loud.

"Yes" he said casually. "You belong to me, don't you?"

He didn't even look upset. Infact he had a smirk on his face. He looked almost amused. Well I don't think it's very funny! I'm alive! I'm not some object. I have feelings! But obviously they don't see it that way.

I understand how this world works. I understand that thier ways are disturbingly disgusting. But it's definitely NOT.... funny!

I closed my eyes and nodded as I hesitantly tied that red piece of property cloth around my neck.

"Are you coming?" Master asked as he started walking down the hallway.

I quickly stepped to catch up to him. I would give anything to run in the opposite direction but I figured, at the moment, I'm alot safer next to him if there were other monsters roaming around here. And I'm positive there are.

At the end of the hall we stopped at an elevator. We both stood there in awkward silence till the doors opened.

We stepped inside.

The doors had barely shut when Master pinned me against the wall..

"Do you want me to take you back to the keep??" He asked me in a new stern tone that frightened me! "Because if you don't, then I suggest you perk up! When I ask you to do something, you do it! Without... the attitude! Do you understand?"

His eyes were wide and wild looking. I was too afraid to blink, nevermind reply. I just stood there... staring..frozen with fear. His grip on my arms was so tight it made me hold my breath. The pressure of him holding me against the wall brought back the sting of my wounds with a vengeance.

"I Said... do... you.. understand?" He asked again through his clenched teeth.

I think I managed a shakey nod before he let me go.

My legs gave in and I just collapsed to the floor. My head was pounding and the gashes in my back were now burning. I could feel tears starting to well up in my eyes. No... I won't cry. I refuse!

Master was now standing facing the doors.

I closed my eyes, took a deep breath... and exhaled. I then forced myself to stand and positioned myself next to him.

My entire body was shivering. And I'm sure he could tell. But he just kept looking forward... ignoring my reaction, my suffering.. completely.

So fine....

I will do what I'm told. I will listen. I will follow. I will obey without question. Hell I will even smile! If this is what he wants... if this is what it takes to stay alive.. then so be it. I will suffer... in silence.

Compared to what I went through at the keep... I can do this. I WILL do this!

I was mistaken. He wasn't amused before. He was sarcastic. He didn't like me questioning him. He didn't think it funny. It mad him mad It made him crazy!

The doors opened at the "Ding" sound as we reached our destination floor and we stepped out.

Honestly I don't know how I was managing to walk with the way I was feeling. But I pushed on.

We entered a giant room that looked like an enormous lounging area. It was filled with people.... vampires.

And there were alot of humans too judging by the amount of red scarf covered necks.

Master motioned a summoning wave to a man standing near a window and the stranger nodded and made his way through a glass door onto what looked like a balcony. He was followed by a girl with a scarf. His human blood bank.

Master then took me by my wrist and we walked to the same balcony. Another man dressed like a butler  closed the door behind us and disappeared back into the lounging area.

"Good evening Brother" the stranger greeted Master with a deviant smile.
"I see you got yourself a new treat!... so soon?"

So soon? What was that supposed to mean?

"That's none of your business Daniel!" Master replied with an annoyed look on his face. "Now, did you get it?


Were they brothers? Or was it more like a vampire brotherhood type of thing? This Daniel didn't look anything like my Master.

The human girl with him was down on her knees. I tried to get a look at her face but she had her head bowed and her loose hair covered most of her face. It didn't quite reach her shoulders though which were full of bite marks and bruises.

She looked broken! Not just physically,... almost like she's given up. Like there's nothing mentally left in her. Like a...  ghost!

I looked over the balcony at the lights shining in a garden below to try and sway my thoughts elsewhere as the men seemed to be making some sort of exchange.

I didn't really care what it was about. I felt tired. Exhausted actually. And cold. It was getting dark and there was a chill in the air.

Master thanked Daniel for whatever it was that going on before taking my hand and leading me back inside.

It was much warmer inside.

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