Chapter 2

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I didn't know vampires had royalty! At least I think he is a vampire. We dont get any other kind of clients here.

"Take the others and leave!" the stranger spoke calmly.

"There is the small matter of the fee my lord." The keeper said anxiously.

"Already sorted!" The stranger said in a deep low voice.

The keeper motioned for us to follow him as we all stood up.

"Not you" I heard as I felt an icey hand land softly on my shoulder.

"What?!" I gasped as I turned to look at the keeper. He had a smirk on his face as he slowly closed the door behind him after the other girls left.

I felt my heart start to race as I willed myself to turn around and face my fate. Dammit! Why me? Surely he could see the other girls looked much healthier? Why did he have to pick pathetic me?!
I could feel my stomach starting to turn from nerves.

"Come!" he demanded as he grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards the other door before I could see his face. I followed reluctantly, knowing that I didn't really have any other choice. I could try to run but I probably wouldn't get to far. I didn't even know where I was and Vampires can move insanely fast.

Is this it? Is this the road to my end?

We walked through the door and I was stunned as I felt a bag being pulled over my head.

Just like before!

"WHAT THE HELL?!" I shouted as I was lifted up and carried to wherever it was we were going.

"Its only a precaution" the stranger said as he's grip on me tightened. Im not sure why but for some reason his words seemed to help calm my nerves. Maybe it was the soft tones he was using.
Maybe it was the lack of oxygen my brain was now getting!

He put me down and told me to lower my head as he helped me into a car.
"Dont take the bag off yet" he said as he closed the door. I felt him climb in on the other side and the car started moving.

Goodbye cold dark room iv come to know as home. Hello cruel sick twisted fate. Please take me quickly!

It was a quiet drive that must have lasted for about 40min before I felt the car come to a stop.

Was this his house? Maybe it was a castle, him being royalty and all. Maybe there were dungeons. Wouldnt that be the perfect fit to this horror! This all felt so strange. I can feel my heart in my throat!

I heard him climb out and come round to my side to open the car door. I didn't want to get out. I had just spent three years sleeping on an old blanket on a cold floor. This car seat was the most comfortable I had been in a while actually. Also I didn't know what new nightmare was waiting for me. Well... here goes.

"Come" he said as he took me by the wrist again and pulled me out of the car. "Jesse will take you from here. Dont remove the bag from your head until she says so okay?" I nodded. What else was I supposed to do.

"Let's go" said another voice I assumed belonged to Jesse. She looped her arm in mine to guide me. "Watch your step" she said as we made our way up some stairs.

I realized I could just see out the bottom of the bag as we were climbing.
"We are going to take the elevator. Dont say anything. There are many here who will be curious" she said.

Were there many vampires in this house? Was Jesse a vampire? She seemed odd. This all seemed odd.

She led me into an elevator and the doors closed.  It was dark and had a fresh minty scent. Jesse never let go of my arm. As if i could run.

The doors opened as we reached our destination floor. I automatically stepped out with her, my curiosity getting the better of me. I was dying to get this bag off my head. This is probably the place I was going to die but I needed to see something other than that cold dirty room at this point.

I heard a door open and we walked inside. Jesse finally let me go as she shut the door behind us. "You can take that thing off now" she said with a laugh.

Finally! I didn't hesitate. I pulled the bag off of my head and took a deep breath. It was unbearably stuffy with it on.

"WOW......" I breathed as I looked up.

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