Chapter 11

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Lizzy's POV:

I slowly open my eyes to beautiful morning sunlight shining through the window behind the couch I'm on.

I had forgotten how good it felt.

All this time at the keep... not once did I get to see the sun shining!

Something so small makes such a difference.

After enjoying those few quiet, blissful moments, I turned my head to the left to see Master isn't in his bed. I sat up to see see if he was sitting at his desk but... not there either.

The bathroom door is open and I don't hear any sound coming from there.

Where is he? Did he go out? Without waking me? Did he just leave me to sleep in?

That doesn't seem right. He wouldn't do that. Would he?

Either way, I thought it best for me to get up and be ready for when he gets back. Ready for what?... who knows.

But rather that than any more surprise outbursts. I don't want to see that again. Plus he didn't feed on me last night. So I'm guessing by now he is thirsty and I don't want to chance anything setting him off.

So I guess this is me now. New obedient  me.

I looked back at the light shining through the window again. This is a damn side better than the keep. So might as well make the best of it.

Because now... what else is there? What other choice do I have.

I went to the bathroom with a packet of fresh clothes that had my name on it. Jesse must have left it here for me.

I shut the door and changed as quickly and quietly as I could. My back was still hurting but it was bearable now. A good night's sleep really does do you a world of good.

Jesse put a brush and hair ties into the packet aswell. There was also a toothbrush and an assortment of toiletries.

I felt so.... spoilt.

I can't remember the last time I had these things. I must remember to thank Jesse when I see her later. If I see her.

I brushed out the tangled mess on my head and the tied it up into a high ponytail. I made sure to leave some out in the front though. Guess I'm use to trying to cover my face.

I noticed the red scarf I wore laying on one of the side tables in the bathroom.

Master must have removed it from me while I slept. I picked it up and placed it neatly near the toiletries that I set up on one of the shelves near the mirror.

It has a purpose now. I will allow it to have its purpose.

I was just tidying up after myself when I heard the bedroom door click open.

I quickly exited the bathroom, ready to greet my master but... it... wasn't him.

A boy walked towards masters desk with a tray. He set it down and turned to face me.

"Good morning miss" he said with a gentle smile " your breakfast is served"

He looked so young. He couldn't have been older than 14.

"Thank you,.. um.. who are you?" I asked him with concern all over my face I'm sure.

"My name is Connor miss." He happily responded. "I'm an errand boy here. But I must be off now. Please remember your vitamins ok miss."

And just like that he was gone. He seemed... nervous. But extremely polite.

So this place has children running errands! He must have been human. I don't think a vampire would hold that position. That's... terrible.

I reluctantly made my way to the desk. I don't seem to have much of an appetite but I know I need to eat. I need to get my energy levels up. So I sat down.

Just then Master walked in.

I immediately stood up again.

"Good morning Lizzy" he greeted with a huge grin on his face. "I see your breakfast arrived. Please eat as much as you can manage and take 2 of those pills in that orange bottle on my desk ok."

"Morning... Master" I greeted back in my confusion.

"Please... sit." He instructed. "No need for  formalities. Eat!"

What was with him? This was not the same person I met yesterday.

Regardless, I obeyed. I sat down and took a big sip of orange juice before lifting the lid off my plate.

Boiled egg and salmon... on top of a spinach salad. Food for blood. Go figure!

I picked up a fork full and dug in.

Despite how it looked, it was surprisingly good. Whatever dressing they used really made it delicious.

OK... I'm impressed.

I ate well. I was stuffed. I haven't been this full in forever! Compliments to the chef.

I looked questionably at the bottle of pills next to the tray.

Master noticed.

"They will help you feel better" he said softly. "Just trust me ok."

I looked at him. He had a sincere look on his face. He held an expression I didn't think he was capable of. It was odd.

But I did... I trusted him.

I took two pills from the bottle and gulped them down with the last bit of juice in the glass.

Master smiled. And winked.

What is happening?

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