"I know you are doing what's right but I'm scared about this threat. We can't risk it." She placed her hands on his shoulders, "At least complain to the officials about this threat."

"Criminal prosecutors get threatened everyday, Liv. I'll be a laughing stock, if I complain about such a trivial matter." He placed a soft kiss on her forehead, knowing that it'll calm her down.

She nodded begrudgingly, "When does the trial start?"

He looked at his wrist watch, "I've still got an hour and half to go."

"Can I play soccer with Sasha now?" Keir's cheery voice and small footsteps soon approached them.

"Sure you can, but give a kiss to Dada before you go?" Kenneth crouched down on his toes and opened his arms wide for his son.

Keir ran into arms letting himself attacked by the sea of kisses his father always placed on his face. He always tickled him with his jaw stubble. Kenneth swung Keir around and hugged his miniature with all the love.

"You know what Kay Kay? We are going to have a lasagna-night tonight!" Kenneth announced in a bold cartoony voice.

"Yes! You and me, Dada! We will cook for Mumma?" Keir looked at his mom with an excited smile on his innocent face.

"Yes, we will. Now kiss Mama too. Or she'll be jealous." Kenneth teased.

They both kissed Liv's cheeks on either side, making her giggle. "I don't feel jealous." She waved them off though she did feel jealous at times by Kenneth's top notch parenting skills.

Keir ran off to grab his soccer ball, giving a final wave to them. Liv turned to him with sadness again.

"I don't know, Kenny. I have a really bad feeling about this."

And she was right. Women always have an intuition whenever something wrong is about to happen.

That day Keir came back to his home, after playing with his best friend, Sasha. The home he left an hour ago was not the same inside.

He was too young to understand what happened there. Had there been an earthquake? His little mind questioned looking at the broken furniture and shattered glass pieces everywhere.

He walked around the glass, trying not to step on them. The low grunts and yells in pain were growing clear as he walked into the living room.

"No!" A loud groan was heard from the room on the down floor. He ran towards the room recognising his father's voice.

He froze in his tracks and hid beneath the dining table when two men with knives in their hands walked out of the room.

"Where are the others?" He heard them talk in a peculiar accent.

He tiptoed into the room, making sure the bad guys didn't see him. He had a bad feeling about this though he didn't know what was going on.

Are they robbers, did they take all the money and artifacts that his grandma was fond of? Questions ran in Keir's mind.

Looting or robbery would have been much better than what he saw that day. His Dada, who laughed and tickled him an hour ago was now in a pool of blood, barely breathing.

Keir ran to his Dada, not sure why he was lying on the floor or why there was red liquid around him.

"Dada! Dada!" Keir's tiny hands shook his father's torso. The red liquid was oozing from his chest, he realised. Keir stopped and looked at his now red painted hands.

Two Sides Of A Serial Killer ✔︎Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz