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Excuse any mistakes!
Luna Hogan

Excuse any mistakes!Luna Hogan

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"Tell me more about him." I sat across the table from Miss Sade. We haven't spoken in a while and I needed some of her amazing food. She wanted me to shed light on the whole Zae situation but I wasn't feeling it.

"There's nothing to tell. I know in this world, everything or anyone is temporary. He was just that, our relationship was just a phase."

"Your eyes tell me a different story." She threw me a grin. I sighed looking down at my arm. "The first step in forgiveness is to let go."

"Who said anything about forgiveness?"

"Luna." Her voice was in a warning tone. "Loving someone is the most dangerous thing a person can do. I think no matter your past, you're so beautiful inside and out. You deserve someone who will bring you the purest joy in the world. Ask yourself this, if you could go back to that day and unmeet him, would you?"

With that being said, she stood from her seat and kissed my cheek before walking away. My body got warm at her words. The answer would be no because he's taught me a lesson and helped me grow in many ways. Every moment from good and bad flashed in my mind. But the best of our memories flooded the worst ones.

"Use your napkin baby." I reminded Lavender as she went to wipe her hands on her pants. She gave me an innocent smile and grabbed the napkin.

"The search for 18 year old Quincy Valentine continues. He was last seen leaving his school, possibly heading home. No one has heard anything from the star quarterback of McKinney High. If you have any information about this disappearance, please contact-"

Valentine. Valentine. Valentine. The name stuck out like a sore thumb. I tapped my fingers across the table trying to figure out where I recently heard that name. I halted all movement when I finally remembered. The detective working on Lavender's case was Quincy's father.

"Fuck." Worrying about the situation wasn't going to make things better but I knew that this shit needed to get handled immediately. If it wasn't one thing, it was another. Taking a deep breath I pushed all negative thoughts in the back of my head and continued eating my food.

"This is good mommy." Lavender said with a stuffed mouth.

"I can tell you like it."

"Sorry, I'm late." Noah walked into the restaurant. He turned to Lavender, kissing her cheek. "Hey, pretty girl. Umm, you okay?"

"I'm fine."

"You look like someone killed your puppy." He paused for a while. "Or cat."

I laughed. "My cat is fine. I'm just overthinking."


I gave him the rundown about what happened in the past and what recently just happened a couple of days ago. He looked shocked and upset by some things but kept it cool.

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