Chapter 5

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(Athena's room,bathroom,closet,and vanity)

We walk inside and the house is even better on the inside

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We walk inside and the house is even better on the inside. I was looking around in awe I haven't seen a house so big in real life. "Boys come down here!" The woman yells taking me out of my daze. I hear shoes hitting the marble floors.

Soon four boys no actually MEN enter the room I could tell three of them were still teenagers . I snap myself out of my thoughts focusing back on what the woman is saying.

"Okay boys this is Athena I told you about her"she says with a big smile on her face. I put on a small awkward smile due to me not liking to be the center of attention. Where I'm from being the center of attention was never a good thing.

"It's nice to meet you Athena I'm Giovanni but you can call me gio I'm the oldest"Gio says in a stern dark voice that kinda scares me" That's Jayden he's the oldest twin" he says then pointing to the another boy next to him "This is Jaylen the younger twin we're 17 so you'll being going to school together" I just give a small smile.

Then I look to the last boy he looks like he wanted to snap my neck right then and there but I didn't let it effect me because I was going to put on a brave face. "Andrew don't be rude! Introduce yourself" Serena says with a stern serious voice

He just rolls his eyes obviously irritated "I'm Andrew I'm 18 I'm a senior imma be going to school with you too unfortunately "he says in a rude tone which I wanted to snap back at but I held my tongue  not wanting to get in trouble after 5 minutes of being here.

"Watch your tone Andrew" Gio Warned in a rough but calm voice. " okay is that it? If so I have to be somewhere" Andrew says still sounding irritated "whatever go just be back by dinner" Serena says. He grabs his coat and car keys leaving the  house.

"Okay your bags should be in your room let's go so I can show you where that is so you can unpack" Serena says in a motherly tone which I'm not so used to. I just nod my head following her through the large house. We get to the second floor and walk down the long hallway.

We stop at a door that has my name with pretty blue butterfly's around the name. "Okay the rooms are in age order gio's is at the very end of the hallway then Andrew's , jayden's,then jaylen's" she says with a big smile. I give her a small smile back

She opens the door revealing a huge room. "If you don't like it we can change it I had my niece help me to see what teenage girls like" she says  "No it's fine I love it" I say with a smile on my face

"Oh that's amazing! Okay I'm gonna let you unpack I'll come to get you when it's time for dinner" she says leaving the room closing the door behind her. I just stand there looking at the room in awe.

It is the best room ever that I've ever had. I go up to my bags and pick them up bring them to the walk in closet. I again stare at it in awe because it was AMAZING. I just smile to myself sitting my bags on the island in the middle of the closet. I soon start to unpack placing my clothes into the drawers and putting some on hangers.

I finish putting my clothes up then I go to my backpack and open it taking out my stash of drugs I had recently bought. I take them going to the nightstand on the side of my bed opening it putting them in along with my pain pills with other things. With that I take out two pain pills taking the dry because my ribs are starting to hurt again.

I put the bottle back into the nightstand closing it. After unpacking everything in my bathroom and room I grab the book I was currently read 'fifty shades of grey' i know what you're thinking a 15 year old reading that oh wow! Don't judge me one being I'm going to be 16 in less than two weeks and two being it's a really good book even with all those hardcore scene that we won't get into.

After sometime of reading my book for a good 30 minutes I set it down putting it in my nightstand and getting out my phone from my back pocket going to Netflix and putting on 'sista sista' one of my absolute favorite shows.

After watching two episode I hear a knock at the door "come in" I say. I then see Jayden walking in "um my mom said it's time for dinner" he says I just nod getting up from the bed putting my phone in my back pocket. I follow Jayden as he takes me downstairs to the kitchen table.

We all sit down I sit next to jaylen I see gio sitting at the head of the table with Serena sitting at the other end. Then I hear the front door open walking in is Andrew he goes and sits by Jayden on the other side across from me and jaylen. He looks at me with a annoyed look I just brush it off not wanting to say something smart...yet

Soon we all have food on our plates as we start eating Jayden tries to make a small conversation " so Athena how old are you?" I look up from my plate "oh I'm 15 going to be 16 soon" I say. Serena looks at me with an excited expression "Oo when's your birthday!" She says obviously over joyed "it's October 31st"I say nodding my head with a small smile

"WAIT REALLY!?! Omg that's in less than two weeks" she says in a very surprised voice "we have to throw you a birthday party" she states "oh no that's okay you don't have to" I say in a nervous voice because I haven't really celebrated my birthday since I was 6.

"No no I insisted!" She states "What no! October 31st is Halloween we always throw a Halloween party" Andrew suddenly shouts out " well that's okay we can just throw a birthday party instead same as Halloween party just celebrating Athena" she says with a big smile on her face

" what no why do I have to change my plans just because 𝑠ℎ𝑒 comes along" Andrew states giving me a dirty look which I greatly return " Its fine really you don't have to he can have his party" I say "No honestly Athena it won't be a problem right Andrew?" Gio says giving Andrew a stern look

Andrew just huffs. "Well then it's settled we are throwing you a birthday party!" Serena says in an happy tone I just give her a smile returning back to eating my food. After a bit of silence Serena speaks" oh Athena we are going shopping tomorrow because you will be starting school on Wednesday with the twins and Andrew" she states I just nod my head.

After dinner the house Keeper comes and takes our dishes away and starts to clean we soon all get up going to our rooms Serena wished us all a goodnight. I walk up the stairs back to my room which is easy to find due to my name being on it.

I walk in my room closing the door behind me. I go into the bathroom and starting the shower. While it's warming up i put my hair up in my bonnet and doing some skin care. Once my shower is warm I strip out of my clothes getting into the warm shower.

I wince slightly as the water hits cuts on my body and my rib cage. I soon get used to it and go on with my regular shower routine. I get out grabbing a towel rapping it around me stepping onto the bathroom Matt. I go to my closet I completely dry off putting on my underwear and sports bra with some shorts and a big tee shirt.

I walk back to my bathroom brushing my teeth and hanging my towel up I walk out turning the lights off walking to my bed I turn on the tv and switch on the led lights. I put on 'sista sista' and get into bed. I get comfortable and soon i start to feel sleepy. My eyelids get heavy I close them letting sleep take over my body.

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