Chapter 33

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This is starting from the last chapter.

Athena's pov:
I sat nervously in my wheel chair while all the Rossi's talked it the room next to the kitchen as we all waited for doctor Lorenzo to arrive.

I had tuned the Rossi's out too caught up in my own thoughts to pay attention to what they were saying. I can't lie and say I wasn't scared but like hell I was going to show them that. I've already showed them too much.

What if I was just imagining that? Or what if this is just a big fucking dream and I wake up and boom I'm still in Atlanta. No that's dumb what the hell..

"He's here Athena" Giovanni says snapping me out my thoughts. I nod my head making eye contact with Giovanni but quickly looking away. Sure he's intimidating but that didn't scare me it was the look in his eyes.

It looked like he actually cared.. I brush it off and focus my attention back on what was about to happen. "Hello Ms. Rossi"doctor Lorenzo says coming up to me.

I raise an eyebrow "my last name is jacobs and just call me Athena please" I say feeling weirded out by the name he called me. "Ok can you describe to me what you felt?" Doctor Lorenzo asks me as he sets his bag on the counter.

"I felt a tingle when I hit my leg and I uh I felt the heat of my blow dryer kind of" I say while playing with one of my curls. "Oh ok that's a good sign but I'm going to try a few test just to make sure is that alright?" He asks taking out some doctor tools.

I nod my head. "The first thing I'm going to do is feel your legs and every touch I'll need you to tell me if you can feel it" he says putting on gloves.

He pressed down on the right side of my hip and I feel a tingling feeling. "Can you feel that?" He asks me "yeah I feel a tingle" I say. He nods doing the same thing for the left side of my hip.

He looks up at me for an answer but I didn't exactly feel anything. "No I don't feel the tingle or anything" I say. He gives a nod then moving down to my right thigh.

I felt a tingle on my thighs. He moved on to my calf's and I only felt a tingle for my left calf. Then he went to my feet. And I didn't feel anything at all in either of my feet.

I the least to say disappointed I felt like he was going to tell me that nope I was still paralyzed but nice try.

"From what I can tell you are gaining some muscle senses back which is amazing with this time of recovery but to full determine your progress and what is wrong I will need to do an MRI" he says to me.

My eyes widened when he said MRI. I heard how harmful they can be seeing it's a huge magnet that is radioactive. "Well I'll check with your mother to see if we can do an MRI" doctor Lorenzo said.

"Serena isn't my mother" I say rolling my eyes. He just does that awkward smile before gathering his things and walking into the living room everyone was in.

I just stared down at my hand tattoo waiting for him to come back. And soon enough he did with Giovanni and Serena. "Well if you're fine with it I think you should get the MRI" Serena said.

I nodded my head in agreement. "We can schedule a MRI scan in two days just to wait a few days to see if you are able to gain more feel to below your waist" doctor Lorenzo said smiling at me.

"Thank you we'll see you soon" Serena said as she escorted doctor Lorenzo out.

"We need to talk Athena" Giovanni said. "Nope I'm good I'm kind of tired" I said wheeling away from him before even giving him the chance to say anything.

Today I was in no mood to be told what to do or how I should act. So I just went back into my room and got on my phone.

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