Chapter 31

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Somewhere in here I switch povs between Athena and 3rd person pov- it was 3 am when I wrote this don't bash me😂
3rd person pov:

Athena sat in her wheelchair in the center of the room which was filled will all kinds of broken items that once sat neatly In the room. Athena sat breathing hard clearly still fuming at what just happened not so long ago.

Athena looked around the room at the huge mess she made and truly she didn't give a single fuck.

Athena composed herself before grabbing the two wheels of her wheelchair and wheeling herself to the door. She was going to firstly get her phone back she was tired of them staling her of human communication outside this house.

So with that she opened her door wheeling out the glass filled room.

The Rossi family stood in the living room right next to the hallway that lead to Athena's room. They heard the moving and breaking in the room stop so they assumed Athena was done with her rampage.

A few minutes later they heard Athena's room door open they all fell out there thoughts as they watched Athena wheel out into the living room with the coldest look they ever seen her give.

They could just tell from looking at her how hurt and mad she was and they  didn't blame her seeing it was their faults. Athena slightly shifted in her her wheelchair before speaking.

"I want my phone" she said. "You ca- Like I said I WANT my phone." Athena said completely cutting off Giovanni before he could finish his sentence.

Serena sniffed with red eyes from all the crying she had did she walked away to the office to get Athena's phone. It was the least she could do and she hated seeing her daughter upset she hated the fact she was part of that too.

Coming back her all black red bottoms hitting the wooden floors she came back handing Athena her phone. "Mom- enough Giovanni enough" Serena said cutting him off before walking back to her room.

Athena could see Serena was clearly upset but she didn't care Serena had put this on herself. And with Athena happy to have her phone back she didn't care to take a look at anyone else in the room just instead turning around in her wheelchair going back to her destroyed room.

Athena closed the door of the room wheeling over to the desk with glass crushing under her wheelchair wheel. She held down the power button watching the phone glow.

Luckily it wasn't dead like how she thought it might be. But once she turned it on notifications flooded her phone.

She looked down in shock at her phone

2,078miss calls
3,890 messages
700 FaceTimes

She couldn't believe her eyes she saw that her friends Luna, Dakota, Delilah, Amina, and camyrn have been blowing her phone up for the past two weeks.

Just then she got a FaceTime call from Luna. She hesitantly answered not showing the wheelchair she was in because she wasn't ready for that yet.

Luna's face popped up onto the screen with teary eyes.

"Oh my god Please tell me this is real please" Luna sobbed out as she instantly burst into tears at the sight of Athena's face. Athena felt kinda bad she didn't think they cared about her that much. "Hey lulu" Athena said trying to offer her a smile but failing. She had nothing to smile for.

"I- are you okay?! where are you!? I literally been searching everywhere you and the Rossi's just fucking left poof into thin air we made missing people's reports Athena what the hell you just vanished we thought you died!"Luna said upset as she tried to calm down her sobs.

"I'm sorry Luna I'm okay now just something happened but I'm good now I promise I'll be back soon" I said in an Apologetic voice. "Ok but you need to call Camryn now he's losing his mind... just call him ok it's not good.." Luna says wiping her red face she got from crying so hard.

"Ok lulu I'm sorry we'll talk later" I said she sniff nodding the FaceTime call ending. I opened my phone seeing probably thousands of social media notifications. I read one seeing the hashtag. '#findathena' and '#findtherossi's' and I knew for a fact it was students just trying to get followers for being 'supportive and worried' they didn't give a shit about me.

I ignored it going to my contacts and scrolling to Cameron's name. I swallowed a lump in my throat before hitting the FaceTime button. After two rings the phone connected.

And a blood shot eyed pale dead looking camryn popped up on the screen. It made Athena's heart skip a beat seeing him like this. "Hi.." Athena said her voice getting stuck. Camryn just started in disbelief.

He couldn't process what he was seeing right now. He didn't want to think it was real he didn't want to get his hopes up to find out it was just apart of his imagination. "It's you.." Camryn said realizing it was actually Athena.

"Where did you- why Athena what happened I thought you were dead! I looked everywhere I did everything I could and you just pop up like it's nothing?!?" Camryn said in anger as tears rolled down his pale cheeks.

"I know- I know?? That's all you can say Athena you can't be serious this has to be some fucked up joke right?" Camryn says cutting her off. "Cam really.. you wouldn't understand.." Athena says lowly.

"Understand what? Do you know how this feels thinking I fucking lost you the only goddamn person who keeps me sane!" Camryn shouts "yes I know how it fucking feels you left me for two fucking years camryn" Athena shouts back but sees the look on Camryn's face a look full of guilt and hurt.

Athena takes a deep breath before talking again. "Look camryn I'm sorry I really am it's just something happened that is fucked up and should have never happened and I'm in a situation that just can't be talked about." Athena says with a huff.

"A situation..? That you can't tell me? What happened Athena really I know something isn't ok." Camryn says sniffing. "I- it's not but I can't talk about this on the phone ok" Athena says looking around.

She didn't need anyone spying on her conversation even though nobody was in the room with her. "Then when Athena?" Camryn asks "soon I promise soon I'll text you when okay just I need time ok?" Athena says

Camryn nods knowing he can't speak or he'll cry. Athena says bye before ending the call. It was all there faults. "Fucking idiots!" Athena screams banging her fist on the desk.

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