Chapter 22

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Semi- proof read

3rd person pov*

As Serena and Giovanni sat in pure silence as they waited to arrive at the infirmary. Serena couldn't help but think about how she is going explain to Athena why and how she got shot. It was on her mind because she could already tell Athena was getting suspicious about their whole "family business".

"What are you thinking about" Giovanni asked Serena which snapped her out her thoughts. "We are gonna have to tell her" Serena said calmly. "About wh- the mafia she needs to know it's time" Serena said cutting off Giovanni. "That's putting her and also us at more risk of another ambush"Giovanni said.
"But how do you know she is going to tell anyone?" Serena asks "I don't know but hasn't she been through enough I might not be the closest with her but don't think I didn't find out about her past" Giovanni says.

And it's true he did see her  past. From all the hospital visits she would have from "accidents" to the screams neighbors would hear. And the worse part is the police or anyone else didn't do anything about it they let her suffer. And he didn't even want to tell his family about it because they would be out for blood and he already has a plan for her parents.

"But she doesn't need to be involved in the mafia we've kept it away from her long enough and she needs to know Giovanni she is living with us she is my daughter now." Serena tells Giovanni

"I'll consider it and you went behind my back and adopted Athena." Giovanni says. "You must have forgot I'm your mother and I adopted Athena because I wanted another kid and you know Athena's social worker is one of my high school friends and I was lucky enough she contacted me" Serena says

And it was true Serena wanted another kid in the house especially a girl. Ever since all her kids got involved in the mafia they just forget about her and she just wanted  that mom role back.


Soon enough Giovanni and Serena arrive at the family infirmary.. "We need to be quick get her check her out and take her back to the safe house where there's an in home care room for her with personal nurses " Giovanni state's as his phone dings signally one of his goons texted him.

Serena takes a deep breath and gathers herself. Giovanni and Serena step out the car and are instantly surrounded by their goons/security. They walk into their heavily armed infirmary. As they walk in they are greeted by a tired looking doctor Lorenzo.

"Hello Mrs.Rossi and Mr.Rossi" Doctor Lorenzo greets Serena and Giovanni. Giovanni and Serena tell him hello. "let me take you to athena" Dr. Lorenzo says turning around and walking to Athena's room with Serena Giovanni and their goons behind them.

"Ok before you see her I need to tell you don't ask too many questions she was in high shock when she awoke she was screaming an  wasn't aware where she was and she was crying a lot. This girl has suffered through so much trauma and this was definitely the topper. Me and my nurses have tried to get her to tell us about how she's feeling but she isn't talking very much all she asks for is a.. Camyrn I'm unsure who that is." Dr. Lorenzo informs Serena and Giovanni as they make it in front of the hospital room Athena is in.

*flashback when Athena woke up Athena's pov*

My eyes snap open and I see unfamiliar faces running around me and touch tubes that are connected to my body. I start to sob uncontrollably I can't remember where I am and I'm scared.
"Please no! Camyrn!!" I sob out. I don't really know why I call out for camryn but he's the only one I can think about right now.

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