Chapter 47 Up in Flames

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"Computer, show me the radiation detection software

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"Computer, show me the radiation detection software." Raven says overviewing the screens before her.
"Night blood was designed to let the human body not reject the A.I. and protect it from radiation emitted against the device. That's why it saved Luna." Jackson points out reviewing the files in Becca's lab. Jackson sighs. "I think we came all this way for nothing."
"If it's not in the data base, reverse engineer it from Luna's and Lexa's blood."
"We took too much blood already, they needs time-"
"We don't have time!" Abby yells.

Raven cringes, a headache over powering her senses; she opens her eyes seeing herself floating in the air.

I must be dreaming...

Raven starts floating towards Abby and Jackson as they continue to talk amongst themselves trying to figure out solutions.

Abby and Jackson whip their heads towards Raven seizing in her chair, they rush towards her picking her up and placing her on the ground.

"Okay on her side, I have a reaper stick in my bag." Abby says holding Raven's head in her lap. "Okay baby... okay baby..." Abby soothes as she see the blood dripping out of Raven's mouth. Jackson brings the reaper stick over handing it to Abby as Abby stabs her in the neck. Raven stops convulsing, Jackson and Abby look at each other in confusion.

"Alright this is the last batch of moonshine." Monty places another jar into Niylah's cart as she gives him a sack. "Feels a little light." Monty says weighing the item in his hands,
"Your hunters are slipping. I can only dry what they give me." Monty looks at her then smiles, slinging the sack over his shoulder walking away.
"Hey, any word from Jaha? Did they find Bellamy's unit?" Clarke asks running into Monty even though she knew he was with Azgeda, she was still worried for the other hunters.
"Yeah, they're back and we forgot to tell you." Monty brushes Clarke off continuing his walk. Clarke sighs walking towards Niylah.
"Ha yun, ai lukot." (Hello, my friend.) Niylah says looking at Clarke. Clarke gives her a hug before her eyes fall upon the cart.
"How light were we?"
"Always so serious." Clarke smirks. "Better. Don't worry the Earth will be generous next time, see you then."
"Hey wait I uh, did you charge the radio I gave you when you were here?"
"Yes... like you told me too." Niylah looks at Clarke confused.
"Clarke!" Clarke looks towards the entrance as a familiar scent hits Clarke's nose.
"Octavia!" Clarke yells running towards a man carrying an unconscious Octavia and Harper running behind.
"She just stopped breathing."
"Okay, get her on the table." Clarke and Harper shove all the items off the nearest table before the man places her down. Lincoln rushes in seeing the commotion before lunging towards the table worry stricken.
"There's a stab wound in her belly, she's soaked in blood. Why isn't she healing? She turned didn't she?" Harper whispered under her breath.
"She fell in a river causing blood to pour out, disabling her regeneration." Clarke whispered back, not looking at the man who brought Octavia in. "Okay first things first." Clarke starts compressions on Octavia chest counting in her head.
"Who are you? How did this happen to her?" Lincoln says looking back at the boy.
"Illian kom Trishanakru, I was on my way home from Polis when I found her." Clarke continues her compression then tilts Octavia's head back pinching her nose and holding her chin giving her breaths. Clarke tilts her head to hear for any breathing and blows more breaths in. She repeats this process until she hears a soft cough. Clarke backs up seeing Octavia flutters her eyes slowly.
"I knew you would save me."
"I haven't saved you yet, I only kept you alive." Clarke smirks looking down. "Okay, get her to medical now!" Clarke's voice booms forcing everyone in the vicinity to rush around.
"Getting her here saved her life, thank you." Lincoln said turning back to Octavia. Monty rushes back with a stretcher as Clarke looks at Octavia's eyes.
"Hey, hey you're okay now, O you lost a lot of blood but you're home now. I'm going to help you."
" coming..." Octavia whispers.
"What's she talking about?" Monty steps towards the table.
"It's the warning I told you all about. I guess their getting here sooner than we thought." Clarke looks back down at Octavia.
"War is here." Clarke closes her eyes nodding.
"Everyone get ready! We don't know exactly when Azgeda is coming but it seems they are coming sooner than later! Take her go. Start an I.V., blood and fluids, and get a suture kit ready." Clarke grabs Monty's arm and looks at him. "I have to do the ritual and I need Lincoln, Kane is also with Bellamy in the hands of Azgeda I need you to somehow get him on the radio and find out our situation."
"I'm on it."
"Harper?" Clarke moves to Harper looking her in the eyes. "Hey, look at me. Convene the guard; Miller's dad is ranking officer. If Azgeda is coming sooner we need to plan our defense okay?" Clarke moves away running towards medical. "I'll be there as soon as I can."
"Niylah, I could use the help." Niylah runs after Clarke as Illian looks at everyone exiting then all around him.

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