Chapter 55 Deathwave, Praimfaya

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"Five years

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"Five years... can you really survive up there?" Octavia questions from the bunker holding all 13 clans' survivors.
"Raven says we can, as soon as it's safe we'll find a way back down. We will meet again." Bellamy confirms as Octavia sighs.
"I'll be waiting... under the floor."
"You're not that little girl anymore." A long pause goes over the radio. "What is it O?"
"I'm not sure if I'm up for this, Bell. They look at me like I know what I'm doing, just because I won a fight."
"They look at you like that because you saved them. It won't last, now you have to lead."
"How? I'm not a leader... it should be you or Clarke or anybody..."
"O stop, either of us couldn't have done what you did and it wasn't just winning a fight. You gave people hope when there was none. You're-you're Prometheus stealing fire from the Gods and giving it back to the human race."
"Prometheus got chained to a rock so that the eagles could eat his liver." Bellamy pushes his tongue against his cheek smirking slightly.
"Thanks for ruining my metaphor, O." She smiles tearing up.
"I love you big brother, I'm sorry it took long for me to say it." Octavia's screens start to glitch as Bellamy smiles to himself.
"I love you too O."
"Bell? Bellamy? Bellamy can you hear me?" Octavia asks trying to switch the signals. Bellamy could hear the static over the radio as his smile soon fades.
"O? Hey O, are you there?"
"Bellamy, can you hear me?" The two desperately tries each channeling calling for the other.
"You there O?"
"No, no come on! O!" Octavia lowers her hand as her eyes glaze over she places the radio down looking up.
"May we meet again..." She whispers. Bellamy nods to himself as if knowing.
"May we meet again."

Clarke walks into the office looking at Bellamy's distraught face.

"Hey... did they have her?" Bellamy averts his eyes. "Bellamy?" Clarke furrows her eyebrows. He stands up looking at her.
"The radio's dead. You won't be able to say good bye to your mom." Clarke looks down. "I'm sorry." She looks at Bellamy stunned for a moment as he walks up to her. Her tears start running down her face as he engulfs her into a hug. She slowly entwines her fingers around his back sniffling into his shoulder. He closes his eyes holding her tight wishing to take her pain away, and then he remembers the next crucial point. Clarke, alone.

"Clarke, Bellamy, get down here!" Murphy yells as the two unwrap themselves and walk out the office.

Indra walks into the office of the bunker facing Octavia.

"It's time." She says closing the door. "I know you're tired but we have to focus on the chosen now. Twelve hundred people are waiting for your orders, when to eat, where to sleep, how to live." Octavia slightly nods spacing out after losing contact with Bellamy. "The unrest will turn to violence, I've seen it before. You need to lead them." Octavia looks at Indra.
"That's what my brother said." Octavia says standing up walking around the desk. "Indra, I'm not a Commander or an Alpha..." Indra looks at the woman and walks over to her.
"The time of the Commanders and Alphas is passed. The time of the Flame is passed. This is your time." She says standing in front of Octavia. "Let me help you." She opens her palm in front of her showing Lexa's symbol, Octavia looks down then back up at the woman who in turned looked at Octavia with determination.

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