Chapter 1 Back to Earth

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It's been 97 years since the human race ruined the Earth's surface, with their nukes destroying all living things. This forced both the werewolf and vampire race to come together and set off into space. I know it sounds crazy, werewolves and vampires in space that's unheard of. Honestly, it's just a normal thing for our existence. However, we now face a huge problem in the place called home. The Ark is not only dwindling on food supply for both races but the oxygen is running out for the werewolf race. So the elders have decided any criminal act big or small you were floated into space for those who are 18 years and above. Those who were 17 years and under were imprisoned until they turned 18 and they are tried for their actions, upon review the elders decide whether or not you're worth saving. Now I'm here a month before my 18th birthday waiting for my case to be reviewed.

Clarke sighed heavily as she finished sketching what she thought Earth would look like on the ground. She had been born years after the nukes ruined Earth learning all different things of what the planet was like. She looked around her cell admiring all her sketches that covered the walls varying from the night's sky to plants to people. She enjoyed drawing, it kept her distracted from the events that transpired before she got locked away. She had been thrown into this holding cell for months now, with barely any rations to sustain her energy.

Her cell door was swung open with two guards at the door.

"Turn around and put your hands against the wall."
"What are you guys doing? My birthday is next month." Clarke said as she turned around.
"We're not here for your review, you're coming with us."
"No, no wait –"

Clarke then punched the guard closer to her in the face and kneed the second one. She ran out of her cell seeing all the juveniles being taken out of their cells the same as her. She turned to her right and then her left, as she was about to run an arm grabbed her.

"Hey, Clarke you're okay." Clarke's mom Abby Griffin cooed her into a hug.
"Mom, what's going on I'm not even 18 yet, I still didn't get my review!" Clarke hastily spat out.
"Clarke, you're not going to be reviewed you're going to Earth." Abby explained.
"What no, no way Earth isn't survivable ... that can't – "As Clarke started to hyperventilate she was shot with a tranquilizer gun and everything went black.

Clarke woozily fluttered her eyes her head bobbing back and forth. As she came to her eyes fell upon dark brown eyes.

"You're finally awake." The guy said relieved seeing his best friend awake.
"What are you doing her Wells Jaha?" Clarke spat out with disgust.
"When I found out you were being sent to the ground, I did what I could to get in here."
"You're an idiot, why the hell would you do that? We don't even know if the ground is survivable." Clarke said rolling her eyes.
"Look Clarke, I wanted you know that I'm – "
"You're what?! Sorry? Don't even start Wells." Clarke cut him off. "You think because you're here on the ship that I would just forgive you?! You're the reason my father was floated and I hate you!" Clarke started screaming, luckily the ships thrusters were preventing others to hear their conversation.

As the last few prisoners were loaded in the drop ship the door closed. Thelonious Jaha, an alpha, Wells father, and Chancellor of the Ark appeared on all the screens.

"Hello children, some of you may be wondering where you are and what is going on. Well, because of your actions on the Ark you were placed into prison, but we are giving you the opportunity to redeem yourselves. We are sending all 100 of you juveniles to Earth to learn and see if the ground is survivable. Doing this will allow all of your crimes to be wiped clean and pardoned for your actions, we are not sending any supplies with you to the ground. You are expected to live off the Earth and survive. May we meet again."

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