Chapter 4 What the People Want

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Finn finishes putting the last bit of dirt on a mound as Clarke looks down sadly.

"Are you okay?"
"Yeah... uh... no, actually." Clarke stammers not knowing what to feel. She's confused what Wells has told her, she had just forgiven him and now he's dead by the Grounders. She felt she wasted all this time being mad at him that in truth it was her mother all along. Clarke soon becomes angry. "It was Abby, my mother."
"My mother got my dad floated. Wells let me believe it was him the whole time. I can't believe I wasted this whole time hating my best friend who just wanted to protect me from my own mother..."
"I... I'm so sorry Clarke." Finn says trying to console her.
"I... I just wished there was something I could do ... To tell her I know. Make her feel what I'm-" Clarke trails off realizing what she could do. She walks off towards camp.
"Where are you going?"
"To make her feel it." Clarke stomps off.

"Will that work?"
"Yeah, Octavia's wristband ended up being fried so this works. I'll get a work on this." Monty smiles turning back to the coms. Finn walks in the drop ship sitting across from Octavia on a bench like ledge. Clarke walks over looking at Jasper then at Octavia and Finn. Finn takes a swig of the hooch he brought back from the car glancing at Jasper. After Clarke fed Jasper the tea he became silent, no more moaning. Clarke prayed the tea worked all they had to do was wait.
"Pass it here." Octavia says grabbing the bottle from Finn. Octavia takes a swig making a face.
"Hey... can I have some of that?" Jasper barely whispers.
"Jasper!" They all said in unison.
"How about we start with the soft stuff?" Finn unplugs a canvas jug and helps Jasper drink some water. They all sighed in relief.
"Thanks for saving me."
"Thanks for not dying." Clarke smiles down at him.
"Why hello there." Jasper says noticing Octavia. She smiles at him.
"Hey next time don't scare us like that?"
"No promises but I'll try."

Clarke walks out of the drop ship smiling to herself.

"How is he?" Bellamy steps next to Clarke on the drop ship's ramp.
"He's awake. Still a little weak but he'll be fine." Clarke turns to Bellamy. "Thank you."
"For what?" Bellamy tilts his head to the right looking at her, his body still facing forward.
"For giving me a chance to save him."
"Well you said it before we're not on the Ark anymore and every life matters, or something along the lines of that..." Clarke smiles at Bellamy, appreciating him.
"I need to go back out there. Try and survey the outskirts look for some medicinal plants and water closer to us. No offense I think all of us need a bath." She laughs as Clarke mentions leaving camp it starts to rain. They both look at each other and look up, both with shit eating grins on their faces.

Bellamy allows the raindrops fall on his face never feeling rain on his skin before soaking it up. He then looks down at Clarke her long blonde wavy hair now clinging to her. He watches her raise her arms allowing the rain to drench her body. He is mesmerized by Clarke's beauty, her skin glistening in the rain. All he wanted to do was touch her soft skin upon his wondering how she would have felt in his arms. Bellamy rips his gaze from her wondering what he was thinking. This was Clarke the girl who drove him insane and challenged him on everything. But for one second he allowed his mind to wonder about the intense yet beautiful girl right next to him.

Clarke smiled so wide her face started to hurt but she didn't care. 'Rain' she thought. This was her first time seeing and feeling it. It was more than she could have imagined. It was slightly cold yet refreshing, she had only dreamed of what it was like to experience this. She looked over at Bellamy, his soft black curls now sticking to his freckled face. She admired how gorgeous he was when he's not being an ass half the times. She traced his jaw line to his lips to his nose to his closed eyes and smiled. His stature always towering her she wondered what his warmth would be like, to hold him close. She stopped shaking her wondering thoughts. What was she thinking? This was Bellamy Blake the guy who liked chaos, the 'whatever the hell we want' guy who challenged authority. She couldn't allow herself to be thinking of him more than that. But as the rain fell upon themselves she just let herself enjoyed the bliss of the rainfall with him.

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