Chapter 39 Scared of Losing

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Blood... a long pathway to the depths of hell. Streets flooded with the iron smell of liquid littering the floor. So much blood, where does it come from?

Kane could see people on crucifixes, blood splashing against his shoes.

What happened here? This is not the Polis I remember...

Pike stiffens with the strong smell of blood. Normally he can hold out and withstand the smell, but this... this floods his senses. His eyes haze over as he looks at all the people around including the ones on crucifixes.

"Pike." Kane warns as they reach the base of the tall tower.
"Those chains aren't necessary." Jackson says walking up to the group.
"This man belongs to the Commander." Jaha walks out with Ontari behind him.
"It's alright, Jackson." Jaha says stepping next to him.
"Where is the Commander?"
"Ontari of Azgeda is your new Commander."
"Where is Lexa?" Kane asks.
"She disappeared leaving her people like a coward."
"She would never! She puts her people before herself!" Kane shouts.
"How do we know you are telling the truth Sky person?"
"I am your new Commander, Lexa is dead!" The grounder looks at her warily before bowing, he unchains Pike.
"Nau teik yu spika slak en teik Klika-de in." (Now open your mouth and accept the Key.) Ontari walks over to the grounder, he lifts his mask accepting the key.
"What is this?" Kane asks Jaha.
"It's the chip..." Pike dives for Ontari placing a blade against her neck. "Back away or the Commander dies!" Jaha looks at Pike and shakes his head. "Riggs, Greg, get behind me." Two Ark people come up to Pike hitting his leg. "Riggs! You're from the farm station!"
"There are no more stations here, just the City of Light. There's no more need for fighting." Jaha says stepping in front of Pike in the two guards' hands. Jaha opens his hand for Pike to take the chip.
"We both know there is no way in hell I'm taking that thing."
"I'm sorry it has to be like this." Jaha nods as they place a sack over Pike's head taking him away.
"What's your choice?" Jaha says showing the key to Kane.
"We need him, he can help us find, Clarke and the other A.I." Allie says next to Jaha, Kane takes the chip in his hands looking at it then at Jaha before chucking the chip away.
"That was a mistake."
"I don't think so."
"You will." Two people place a sack over Kane's head taking him away.
"Don't put Marcus with the others, leave him to me." Abby says walking next to Jaha.
"She can be persuasive." Jaha turns to look at Allie.

"Wait!" Clarke yells Bellamy stops the rover as Lexa and Indra tread carefully. "There's someone in the tree line!" Clarke steps out of the rover followed by Bellamy.
"Clarke! What are you doing?" He whispers behind her his rifle ready. Lexa and Indra follow close behind.
"Titus?" Lexa questions seeing a man hunched over using a tree to stabilize himself. Lexa rushes over to him to help him up.
"Lexa? Why are you here you need to get away from here!"
"What, why? What's wrong?" Lexa places her hand on his back to only notice a wet sticky substance. Blood. "What happened?"
"Sky People came into Polis, made Ontari the new Commander and now everyone is either dead, in jail, or the City of Light. You need to leave Heda and far!"
"There is nowhere else to go and I'm not leaving my people."
"You must! Find people who are not in the City of Light and regroup!" Lexa looks at him incredulously.
"What are you talking about? From what you are saying there are people who shouldn't be affected?" Clarke looks at Titus.
"Luna..." Lincoln interrupts. "She's my friend and one of the last Natblida besides Lexa. She has a clan called Floukru. I have a map to find her."
"Then find her and let them know what's going on, Polis is taken and our numbers are dwindling to the City of Light..." Titus coughs up blood.
"Titus, stay with us you need to tell us how the flame works. It is the key to stopping Allie and the City of Light." Titus looks at Clarke then back at Lexa as she nods.

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