Chapter 18 I Will Always Protect You!

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Darkness fills the land as Clarke rides back to her people.

"Shut the gate!" Clarke calls as she is greeted by Bellamy and Finn guns hot and ready as they look at the riders unmoving.

Abby and Raven gather towards the three looking at Clarke hopefully. Clarke smiles warily and breathes in deep. Everyone freezes thinking the Commander didn't accept the offer.

"The Commander agreed for a truce..." Clarke starts as everyone smiles except for Bellamy. He knew something was wrong, why else would Clarke be vague.
"But?" Bellamy asks.
"I have to take responsibility for the 300 warriors we had burned."
"What no!" Bellamy yells as everyone outside looked their way.
"Blood for blood..." Finn whispers, "That's their way, it's punishment for the lives of their people." He looked at Clarke with so much guilt he couldn't move.
"That's insane." Bellamy hisses.
"If we refuse?" Abby asks trying to find anyway to help her daughter.
"They attack."
"What?" Multiple people shout. "We should hand her over then!"
"What else Clarke?" Bellamy looks at her conflicted.
"They will make me bleed for their lives."
"What? No way, Clarke!" Clarke looks at Bellamy and places a hand on his cheek and smiles sadly.
"They won't kill me, but I have to atone for the lives of others just so we can have peace and fight the real enemy."
"Give her to the grounders and get it over with." A guy inches forward as Raven turns and pushes him.
"Back off!" Raven yells, she will not let anyone touch her alpha if she has a say in it. Bellamy pulls the guy away as Abby grabs Raven. Another person grabs Clarke's arm as Raven breaks free from Abby and punches the guy. Bryne's tries to stop Raven only to be hit with a right hook, guards pulling her away. "Let go! No one is touching her! Not my Alpha!" Everyone halts as they look at Clarke.
"Everyone get back to work this will not happen until tomorrow night. I will bleed for her people to prevent a war and to save our people. You have my word I will keep you safe!" Clarke yells as she walks away to go see Lincoln and Octavia.

Clarke walks over to medical as she smiles slightly to Lincoln, Abby right behind her.

"Clarke, there must be another way." Abby pleads, Lincoln looking at the two confused. "The Commander accepted the truce but in return Clarke must bleed for the lives of the 300 people she burned."
"She said she will not kill me!" Clarke breathes, Lincoln sighs in relief.
"Why are you sighing in relief, they're going to hurt Clarke." Octavia turns to Lincoln in disbelief.
"The Commander is sparing her life. Normally jus drein jus duan ends up with death. If Clarke does not do this the Commander will kill everyone and not bat an eye."
"There has to be something else we can offer." Abby sighs.
"War comes with a price and Clarke mercilessly burned 300 warriors, the Commander is offering for her to bleed without death, take the deal."
"How can you say that?" Octavia asks not wanting her alpha to bleed for her people more than she already has.
"What will they do to Clarke?" Abby asks not wanting to accept her daughter's fate.
"They will tie her to a post her hands bound above her head as each person from Trikru will take turns with a knife cutting into her. She will suffer the pain of 300 deaths, and then if she doesn't bleed out and survives we will have peace." Everyone looks at Clarke she stood tall unmoving as they thought maybe just maybe she can do this. Abby and Octavia just hoped she doesn't regenerate to quickly and survives the blood loss.

Abby storms out of medical to look for the last person she wanted to talk to.

"Abby, Abby, you got to let me out I was only trying to protect my alpha." Raven pleads.
"I know but I need to talk to him right now." Abby nods towards Jaha sitting in the corner.
"So your daughter is a sacrifice I hear."
"She has to bleed for 300 deaths and if, if she doesn't die of blood loss or we are found out that we aren't exactly human we will have our peace. As much as I don't want to do this it is Clarke's decision, but I do not want to send her to her death!"
"We sent 100 kids to die on the ground, Abby."
"That was another time, and another Chancellor."

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