Chapter 46 Lies Unraveled

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Jaha sits up frantically seeing himself on a mattress surrounded by water.

"He's awake!" Various people come to the sound of Jasper's voice seeing the previous Chancellor in the middle of the lake. "Hey, Jaha! It looks like you got floated." Everyone giggles seeing the sight before them.

"So Jaha says we need-"
"Woo!" Clarke turns her head back from talking to Riley before walking away. Riley's gaze follows Clarke as she walks towards the gathering people.

Jaha laughs hearing the people clap as Clarke finds Jaha in the middle of the lake.

"Keeping yourself busy, Mr. Jordan?"
"Oh, I'm living it up, every last day."
"Will I want to know how you managed to do this without waking me up?"
"Oh, probably not, but the effects are harmless... I promise." Jaha twitches an eyebrow thinking of how Jasper could have done such an elaborate prank. "Kind of..." Jaha makes a face before hauling himself back to shore.
"Alright, we've had our fun let's get back to work." Clarke says her smile fading thinking what they need to do next.

Monty follows Clarke grabbing her attention.

"Clarke!" Clarke turns around seeing Monty jog up to her.
"What's up Monty?"
"What's up with the, 'we're all going to die face.'?" Clarke crosses her arms looking upon the grey clouds slowly coming towards them. "I mean..."
"I know what you mean, Bellamy should be back now." Monty could see the worry written all over her face, her mate far from her.
"Hunting parties go radio silent, it's nothing new." Monty says as the two walk away from the gates. Monty looks over at her and nudges her with his arm. "What else?"
"I just feel useless. I'm stuck her in case anyone needs a cut bandage, supervising the backup... I should be on the island to make Night blood."
"Clarke, you're not a geneticist."
"Neither is my mom."
"Yeah, well they have Raven. Genetic code, computer code, they'll figure it out."
"Monty, I'm serious."
"So am I. If Jaha is right and Becca created Night blood there, they'll find her records. All they have to do is reverse engineer it from normal, everybody lives. What you and Bellamy saw when it worked on you we have a chance."
"If they can get it done before the radiation gets here."
"I guess we better finish the ship. Any clues of the bunker?"
"No not yet but if we saw it it's out there, but that also means picking and choosing who stays and who goes." Monty looks over the Ark feeling the tension from Clarke.

"Riley, how's it going?" Monty asks seeing Riley walk towards them.
"We're on schedule here; we should have the radiation patch up before dark."
"See? One less thing to worry about."
"It's good we're almost there." Clarke and Monty turn their heads smelling rain heading their way.
"Alright, everyone inside, just like we practiced! Go!" Clarke orders rushing everyone inside. Monty starts pulling on the hatch as he stops seeing Jasper stride across the field.
"Jasper, come on!" Monty, Clarke, Riley, and Harper hear the thunder rolling in as Jasper looks to the sky without a care in the world.
"Jasper what are you doing?" Clarke yells.
"Can't live your life in fear."
"Run!" The rain starts pouring as Monty sprints towards Jasper, Harper running after him holding Monty back.
"No! No!" Harper pulls Monty back as he fights against her, taking him into the Ark. They all watch in horror as Clarke's eyes change, she takes a deep breath and jolts disappearing, her vampire speed over powering her wolf side. She reaches Jasper grasping him as he chokes.
"The sky... is... falling!" He laughs. "The sky is falling. Hahaha, wooo!" Clarke's eyes change from green and silver to green.
"What is wrong with you?" Clarke growls, her teeth clenched.
"It's rain not radioactive ash."
"Dude, not cool." Monty sighs, turning to head inside.
"Come on, it's a joke. Don't be like that guys." Jasper says as Clarke starts heading towards the Ark. "Guys! When did everyone lose their sense of humor?"
"When we found out we will die sooner than later." Clarke huffs shaking her wet curls around.

Lunar Bellarke AUOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora