Chapter 33 Bellarke's Blood

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Bellamy could smell blood in his sleep. It was very faint he looked over to see Clarke sound asleep. He eases himself out of bed tiptoeing not wanting to wake the others who were scattered around the room. He tossed on a shirt sniffing the air. The scent was oddly familiar but he couldn't think whose it could be. He rounded down the long stair case as the scent became stronger and stronger, he reached the ground. The scent was coming underneath the tower. He found another set of stair climbing down he paused when he heard a groan then struggling.

Creak! Clank!

Murphy grunts getting out of his restraints, he looks around and pulls a staff and sees the side of the drop ship.

"Polis... Polaris."

Bellamy cautiously walks inside a room seeing drawings scattered across the walls and a drop ship in front of him candles all array. He sees an empty seat where it looked like it held someone.

"Murphy? What are you doing here? What happened?"
"I was held captive and tortured about Clarke and now about the grounders' sacred symbol of the Commanders but it's a corporate logo."
"What are you talking about?"
"It's a key to the City of Light, that's what Jaha said, but it's connected to this bitch Allie who was the cause of blowing up the world. Obviously as you can see he doesn't believe me."
"Let's get you out of here, Clarke, Miller, Harper, Wick, Octavia, and Lincoln are in our room. We can talk about this more with the others."
"Okay, how did you find me though?"
"I smelled your blood."
"That's gross bro."
"You're telling me your blood woke me up from my sleep."
"I guess you can say I'm intoxicating." Bellamy rolls his eyes as they tread back up the long stairs to meet with the others.

"Mmmm." Clarke rolls over to feel the bed absent of Bellamy's warmth; she sits up quickly looking around the room as the door opens.
"Clarke, what's wrong?" Bellamy rushes over to her.
"Nothing I thought something happened to you."
"Well I found someone."
"More like he followed the scent of my blood." Murphy chuckles then coughs.
"Murphy, what happened to you?"
"Long story short I got captured and tortured about you then the City of Light about the key."
"So Jaha has more in stored than what we were guessing?"
"Pretty much it's more of this bitch in Red, her name is Allie."
"Alli- Ahh ahhhhhhhhh!" Clarke screams as everyone rushes to her. She starts shaking convulsing on the bed.
"Clarke? Clarke! What the hell is happening?" Bellamy yells.
"How the hell should I know?" Murphy eyes up Clarke.

"Clarke! Clarke!" Bellamy's voice start echoing in the distant as the pain becomes unbearable.

"Clarke! Clarke, listen to me! You got to fight this!"

"Selene? Where have you been?"

"I was trapped by..."

"Ahhhhh it hurts!"

"Stop fighting this Selene! She will be mine!"

"To hell with you! Clarke, listen to me you need to go back and warn the others."

"What's going on?!"

"I don't have time, I won't be able to speak with you for a while you will have Astraios to contact and Eos."

"Who's Eos?"

"You'll know soon enough, she will come get you out and you have to listen to her. Trust me!"

"Ahhhhhh!" Clarke could feel her skin burning her bones cracking. "Am I changing?"

"No that's not me! You cannot change not it this state fight it!"

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