Chapter 12 You Are Not Prisoners

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I couldn't keep still, but the only thing I could do was sit, stand, walk in the small room, or stare. The only thing colorful in this room is that painting. It was beautiful with all the vibrant colors reminded me of the night sky. I needed to figure out a way to get out. I noticed something out of the corner of my eye, I turned to the door and Monty was gone. I jumped, startled by a person in a hazmat suit instead. Where's Monty what have they done with him? I needed out now!

"Hey! Hey! Where's Monty? What the hell did you do to him?!" Clarke started slamming on the door to get their attention, but nothing. Clarke ran to the stand which held her I.V. and took the top part out smashing it against the camera above the door then the door's window. Glass pieces shattering, she reached over to unlock the door cutting her arm as she pulled back. She opened the door picking up a shard of glass walking into the next room. She ripped off the helmet of the hazmat suit facing a very pale black haired girl.
"What are you doing?" The girl asked looking down Clarke's bloody arm. "I'll be contaminated." Clarke lunges at her threatening her with the sharp glass.
"Where's my friend?"
"He's fine, you don't understand, okay?" Clarke turned the girl around with Clarke behind the glass up against the girl's throat.
"Take me to him."
"Clarke, you're bleeding."
"How do you know my name?"
"It was on your chart."
"How do they know my name?"
"I don't know, please don't hurt me."
"You wanna live? Do exactly what I say." The two continued down the hallway, Clarke checking out doors. They reached an elevator, the girl slowly reached into her pocket.
"You need a key card to open it." Clarke nodded and the got it.
"They're on level five." The girl said pushing the button.
"Who are you people? Answer me, how many of us are here?" The girl had tears freely flowing down her face. "Where are they? Say something!"


The elevator doors opened to the fifth floor, Clarke guiding them out. They walked out and turned the corner. Clarke was shocked. There were people, dining like nothing is going on. Clarke was confused and just stood there.

"Contamination breach! A woman yelled noticing Clarke with the girl." Everyone starts yelling and screaming running as the girl got loose. Clarke was floored as alarms went off. Guards came around the corner aiming guns at her.
"Where the hell am I?"

Damn it Finn! Where did you go? God, I hope no one is following me. I need to find if there are others out here before going back. Thankfully Finn and I made it out in time before the fire.

Bellamy was heavily breathing running through the woods with a spear in his hand. He looked all around him trying to see any incoming dangers.

"Bellamy?" He sighed as he put the spear down slightly seeing Monroe with another kid.
"Get down!" He whispered harshly.
"Are you being followed?"
"Quiet! Have you guys seen Finn?"
"Finn's alive?" The boy asked as Monroe shook her head no.
"He was we got separated, we knew the fire was coming so we ran as far away as we could. One of them followed us."

"Ah, I can't... I can't go anymore." A dark skinned boy said falling to the ground, Finn barely walking.
"On your feet." Tristan yelled on a horse. The two boys were bounded at their hands attached to the horse. Finn crouched down to the boy trying to help him up.
"He can't keep up." Finn yelled.
"Get on your feet." Tristan climbed down the horse.
"You gotta get up." Finn struggling to get him up, Tristan pulled on the boy's rope and turned him around.
"No!" Tristan slit the boy's throat. "No!" Finn yelled dropping to his knees.
"I only need one to take to the commander, now walk."

Bellamy hung his head low cursing. Tristan getting back on the horse leading Finn away.

"Okay, there is three of us and one of them, we can take them." Bellamy whispered. "On my count one, two, three!" Bellamy rushed forward ready to attack. "Hey!" He turns around and realizes no one is behind him. He looks at Finn and Finn looks back with fear.
"Bellamy! Get out of here!" Finn yells. Tristan charges at Bellamy on the horse pulling Finn right behind. Bellamy chucks the spear, Tristan dodges it. Tristan hits Bellamy in the face, knocking him to the ground. Tristan climbs down from the horse, kicking Bellamy in the gut. Tristan then picks him up by his jacket throwing a punch, connecting to Bellamy's face over and over again. Once Bellamy couldn't fight back Tristan ties up Bellamy along with Finn.
"You have to stand your ground." Finn whispers to Bellamy. "Or he'll kill you."
"Ahhhh!" Both Monroe and the other boy came out heading for Tristan. Tristan pulls out his sword ready to fight.

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