Chapter 5 Making Wrongs Right

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Bellamy and Clarke sat next to each other looking up at the night's sky, wrapped in a blanket his arm around her waist, while her head leaned on his shoulder. They had woken up roughly a couple hours later stretching their bodies wanting to get some fresh air.

Gazing at the stars in a peaceful silence, which they so desperately needed from the hustle and bustle of camp they so willingly let in.

"Look a shooting star! Make a wish!" Bellamy exclaims pointing to the sky.
"What?" She laughed.
"It's a thing people used to do a long time ago, I heard." Bellamy shrugs looking in awe.
"But it's just a rock burning up in the atmosphere. Why would that make your wish come true?" She wondered looking at him. He chuckles and shakes his head.
"God, if your romance skills are like this I feel sorry for the guy."
"Wha- hey I can be roman- Bellamy that's not a shooting star." Clarke says as she sees the flickering light coming quicker towards Earth. They soon hear a sonic boom as the object breaks through the Earth's atmosphere. They get up and head towards camp.

"Did you guys see that?" Octavia says walking to the center of camp to meet Bellamy, Clarke, and various people.
"Well now we can kick some grounder ass!" A boy shouts out.
"We should get moving, everyone's ready." Octavia says looking at Bellamy.
"No one's going anywhere. Not while it's dark. It isn't safe. We'll head out at first light. Pass the word." Bellamy looks at everyone in the group and they all nod. Clarke leaves to check the medic area.

"You lied to everyone. You lied to me. You just want whatever's in that pod..." Octavia says finding Bellamy sneaking out of camp.
"Just go home!" He says roughly pushing her shoulder harder than he should have.
"You always want to play the big brother, huh? Well, guess what? Joke's on me. You're a selfish dick." She says angrily.
"I did this for you, to protect you. If the others find out what I did to the chancellor..."
"What did you do?" She cuts him off.
"Someone came to me with a deal... Do this, kill him, and they'd get me on the drop ship." His voice started to become softer.
"You killed the chancellor?" She asked in disbelief.
"He floated our mother. He locked you up. He deserved it." He said trying to justify his actions.
"I didn't ask you to do that."
"I know, this is on me." He says walking away heading towards the crash site, leaving Octavia speechless.

"Hey, Finn."
"Did you see that? It looked like a smaller drop ship." Finn says walking towards Clarke looking over people's previous injuries.
"Yeah I did, but we're not going until first light tomorrow."
"There might be supplies maybe even a-"
"Radio!" She cuts him off inwardly smacking herself for not thinking about it.
"We can go now if you want?" Clarke looks at him for a moment contemplating but then nods. They quickly and quietly head out of camp towards the landing site.

Dawn just breaking through Bellamy hears a crackling voice and heads towards it. He steps towards the crash site and opens the door, surprised to see a person unconscious inside. He looks at the person then back at the radio and rips it out, closing the door back down. He hikes out a bit to come across a stream he looks down at the radio and tosses it far into the water.

Clarke comes through a clearing and spots what looks like an old pod. She walks over and opens the door gasping. She sees a person slumped over hanging by the pod's seatbelt.

"Oh my God! Hey, hey wake up!" Clarke gently shakes the person. The person blinks a couple times trying to focus on anything but the headache. The person removed the helmet looking around to be surprised by bright blue eyes.
"Ugh, my head." A groan escaping their lips. They touched their head looking down at their fingertips. "That's not good. Uh, hi."
"Hey, let's get you out. Are you okay?" Clarke reaches out to the exposed beautiful brunette with honey brown eyes.
"Where am I?" She groggily let's Clarke help her out.
"Earth!" Clarke gleams.
"I made it?"
"Welcome home." The girl steps out of her spacesuit stretching inhaling deeply. A smile plastered on her lips as she turns arms out.
"I- Finn?" The girl notices Finn coming into the clearing running up to him.
"Raven?" A shocked Finn hugs her. Clarke looks at the two uncomfortably shifting from one foot to the other. "You're bleeding."
"I don't care." Raven pulls Finn into a loving kiss, Finn kissing her back deeply. Now Clarke definitely knows she shouldn't be here watching this reunion.

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