Chapter 17 Alphas got to do What Alphas got to do

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"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Bellamy grabbed Clarke's arm forcefully turning her around.
"Looks like I win the bet." She smirked.
"Now's not the time. Why are you meeting the Commander alone?"
"Because I have to, her terms were for me to meet with her alone or she'll kill our people if we don't cooperate. This is our chance to finally have peace and save those in Mount Weather. You and I both know the grounders need us as much as we need them. We are all on Earth now and life is more than just surviving." Bellamy sighs, finally letting go of Clarke's arm.
"Ahhhhh!" The two drop to the floor in pain with the sudden release, the burning sensation becoming too much, now feeling like they were being burned alive.
"What's wrong?!" Abby, Jackson, Octavia, Raven, and Finn rush over.
"It burns!" Clarke screamed convulsing on the ground.
"What's going on?" Finn asked as he reaches for Clarke. Clarke opens her eyes as he sees them golden green. Finn rushes over to the shaking Bellamy, his eyes golden silver. "Both their eyes are turned. What's wrong with them?"
"I don't know help me get them to medical."

The group rushes Clarke and Bellamy to medical in two separate beds about a foot a part as the two starts vomiting on the ground.

"Bring her to me now!" Bellamy growls, bile forming in the back of his throat. Chills shoot through Octavia, Raven, and Finn as they obediently obeyed. Abby watches intently looking at Bellamy and forming her own conclusion about him. The three grabbed Clarke and laid her next to him. The bed was too small that they practically put her on top of him. Bellamy gripped her tightly as the vomiting stopped but the burning sensation grew more intense.
"Bellamy, this isn't working." Clarke groaned.
"What are you guys talking about?" Abby asked.
"Every time we touch for a long duration we get this burning sensation and we move away from each other, but once we are apart sickness overwhelms us. Although, once we go back to each other holding one another it soon dissipates, but right now nothing is changing if anything the burning sensation is becoming more intense. My eyes feel like they are on fire right now."

"Abby, you don't think?" Jackson asks trailing off.
"It might, but nothing like this has ever been documented."
"What are you guys talking about?" Raven looked between Abby and Jackson.
"Well, it's a theory and we're not sure if we're right, but this doesn't make sense though."
"Abby, cut to the chase." Octavia yells.
"They're mates." Everyone in the room went silent.
"If they're mates shouldn't they be more, uh, sexual?" Raven coughs.
"Well yes and no, but mostly yes. Which explains needing to be near one another, but what I don't understand why it really hasn't activated? Or why they're experiencing pain now or the vomiting. Werewolves vomit and get sick if they try to be with someone who is not their mates and that is usually through sexual activities. Another thing that's bugging me, the further apart they are the vomiting increases extremely. This changes a lot of things that we thought we knew about the werewolf race."

"So what did you mean not activated?"
"If it was activated then they really shouldn't have any problems touching or being away from each other after a simple touch."
"So what are we gonna do? They can't stay like that forever." Octavia points at the two still embracing, cold sweat dripping from their bodies.
"Well they can try not touching each other since being a mate to one another isn't completely activated from what I'm seeing or they can ehhem..."
"Do the deed?"
"Hide the sausage?"
"Hit a home run?"
"Shake the sheets?"
"Hide the snake?"
"Horizontal mambo?"
"Give her a high hard one?"
"Seriously guys just say fuck!" Finn yells anger boiling inside of him. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. Clarke, his Clarke is mates with Bellamy. "Abby, is there a possible way that they aren't mates."
"No, it's quite obvious they are especially when things subside within them when they are close to one another."
"But what about the vomiting? Like you said werewolves get sick if they aren't with their mate so maybe their mates are someone else."
"Again, Finn, if that was the case they would be vomiting and getting sicker when together especially at this proximity."
"No more buts, right now we need to figure out the burning. Clarke, explain this burning you're feeling and when it starts."
"When we touch whether a hand on the shoulder, a hug, someone grabbing the other for attention, anything really where we're touching longer than normal this burning sensation shoots from where we had touched and expands throughout our bodies. Well, that's how it is for me I don't know about Bellamy."
"It's exactly the same. Well, I know when I feel the sensation it doesn't hurt like we've jumped into a fire to burn alive, it's more-"
"Like, an intensity waving throughout our bodies that it's intoxicating and we can't get enough of." Clarke finishes.
"Well, it's clear you guys are mates you're eyes are glowing into your wolf forms. The mother in me suggests you two not touch each other, while the doctor in me suggests you probably should get together and get it over with it. But mind you guys being mates with one another will be a rough road for you guys especially since both of you are alphas."

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