Chapter 13 Don't Do Anything Stupid

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I keep pacing back and forth getting angrier by the second, but also trying to keep calm as best I can. The more time I spend in here the less time I have in finding Clarke and the others. Finn, better be thinking of some plans. God, Clarke, where the hell are you and the others? Are you okay? I feel so helpless and in two more days the full moon will be on us. We have Clarke, Finn, Jasper, and Murphy even though he's not really my concern... and me, who have to worry about the first full moon upon us. Crap, crap, crap!

Bellamy's thoughts interrupted by the doors opening. He looks up to see Kane as he glares at him.

"How long are you going to keep me locked up in here?" Bellamy asks harshly.
"Until I'm confident you are not a threat to others." Bellamy shakes his head in disbelief.
"We are wasting time! The others did not vanish out of thin air! They were taken and we need to go get them."
"Search team is planning to leave, but not until we get the Intel from you." Bellamy walks up to Kane.
"I need to be on that team." Bellamy tries to level with him, his only concerns for Clarke and the others. "Please."
"That's out of the question, you're not trained it's too dangerous." Bellamy looks down then back to Kane's eyes. Kane could see the determination in Bellamy's eyes. They were not the eyes of a scared little boy, but those of a man who was willing to do anything for his people.
"Those are my people out there."
"They're my people too; you want to help them? Tell me what we are up against. Grounder tactics, numbers, what kind of weapons did they use?"
"Arrows and spears, axes, swords, teeth..."
"No guns?" Bellamy shakes his head no. "You had guns."
"Guns we found at the aid depot that helped level the playing field... maybe if we had more bullets..."
"There were more bullets." Bellamy looked up confused. "The searched team came back from the bunker finding two more barrels filled with rifles and a third with more bullets." Bellamy dryly laughs and curses under his breath. "You should have looked harder." Bellamy blinks disappointed in himself.

The door opens once again as Murphy is brought in by two guards.

"What the hell is he doing here?" Bellamy glares at Murphy.
"Excuse me Sir; Doctor Griffin cleared Mr. Murphy out of medical." Kane looks over his shoulder at the beat up Murphy.
"Put him over there, secured." Bellamy shakes his head trying to keep his rage down. "You're both staying here. Tie him to the other side, maybe then you guys can go through your differences." Bellamy scoffs.

Bang! Bang!

Everyone's heads snap up. Kane and the guards run outside.

"What's going on?"
"There, there I saw something in the trees."
"Are you mad? That could be the kids!" Abby looks at Kane.
"Who gave you the gun?"
"I did Sir." The guard from earlier states.
"Only guards will have guns. You went over my head." Kane shakes his head and looks at everyone. "Unauthorized use of firearms will be punishable as a felony!" Kane yells. "Under the Exodus Charter, is that clear?!" Everyone silently nods in agreement.
"Marcus, search the damn woods!" Abby harshly whispers to Kane. Kane looks at the blonde guard and nods.
"Move out! Teams of three." She yells. "Radio check in five minute intervals." Abby scans the woods hoping Clarke's okay.

"Jasper, I understand that we are safe here but we still need to get out. At least you and me." Clarke says looking as Jasper standing next to Miller. "I'm pretty sure we only have two days until the full moon. They're not safe and we're not safe if they found out what we really are... we're not exactly humans..."
"Jasper, she's right you know." Jasper sighs.
"I know, but maybe if we explain it to them..."
"Hey, remember our ancestors, you know the ones from 97 years ago tried to do that at one point and looked what happened, a nuclear war. Mind you that really wasn't our fault but still."
"Maybe they'll understand."
"Look, I want to believe that but until we are absolutely safe I'm not taking that risk on yours or their lives. The vampires are weak and need to replenish, right now they are only hanging on to the raw meat. Luckily, no one really notices that. The werewolves at least can have the fill and protect the vamps and the humans." Jasper nods in agreement.
"Okay, okay I get it." They stop talking as Maya walks in smiling at Jasper. Clarke nods and heads to her bunk with Miller.

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