Chapter 36: Light and Dark

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Third Person POV 

Ruby was sitting on her bed as she looked at her scroll before looking at the door. 

Ruby: Where is Blake and Yang? 
She asked as she looked at Weiss. 

Weiss: How should I know? 
She asked as she looked back at her. 

Ruby: Because you're the smartest one here. 

Weiss: I don't know everything that happens here you dolt. 

Ruby: Well sorry. 
She said as she looked at her. 

Ruby: Hey Weiss. 

Weiss: What. 

Ruby: What do you think of him? 

Weiss: Who? 

Ruby: Y/N. 

Weiss: What about him? 

Ruby: What do you think of him? 

Weiss: Hmm...
She said as she blushed lightly. 

Ruby: Hey. Are you feeling well? 
She asked as she looked at her. 

Weiss: Y-Yeah dolt. 
She said as she turned around. 

Ruby: Hmm. Should we ask him if he's available tomorrow?

To Y/N 

Y/N: So how was it? 
He asked as he looked at the two. 

Yang/Blake: It was good. 
They said with a small smile. 

Y/N: That's good. 
He said as he smiled back. 

Blake: So what now? 
She asked looking at him as the three of them walked through the empty courtyard. 

Y/N: I don't know. Maybe hang out again since there is no classes. 
He suggested. 

Blake: I guess so. 
She said as Y/N wrapped his arm around her waist, earning a yelp. 

Y/N: Yang. What about you? 
He asked as he looked at her. 

Yang remained silent as Y/N looked at her with worry. 

Y/N: Yang. What's wrong? 
He asked as he placed his hand on her shoulder, seeing her look at him with her lilac eyes. 

Yang: T-Thank you. 
She said with a small smile. 

Y/N: Of course. 
He said with a smile before walking into the dorms. 

Y/N: And here we are. 
He said as he stopped in front of their dorms. 

Yang/Blake: Thanks for the dinner. 
They said with a smile. 

Y/N: Anytime. 
He said before feeling the two kiss him on the cheek. 

Yang/Blake: Good night Y/N. 
They said before walking into the room. 

Y/N: At least they're happy now. 
He said to himself, smiling. 

To Blake 

Ruby: Hey Blake. 
She said as the black haired faunas looked at her. 

Blake: Hey Ruby. 
She said as she laid on her bed. 

Ruby: How was it? 
She asked as Yang laid on her bed. 

Blake: It was great. Right Yang? 
She asked as Yang nodded. 

Yang: Yeah. 
She said with a smile before slowly closing her eyes. 

Blake: Good night Ruby. 
She said as she yawned before turning onto her side. 

Ruby: Good night Blake. 

To Mercury 

Mercury was sitting on the side of the bed, looking at a photo of Cinder, Neo, and Emerald. 

Mercury: Damn it. 
He growled, gritting his teeth as he looked at Cinder and Neo. 

Mercury: I've failed you two. 
He said before slowly getting off the bed and putting on a shirt. 

After putting on a shirt, Mercury walked out of his room to see Watts sitting at a chair, sipping out of a cup. 

Watts: Looks who's awake. 
He said, chuckling as Mercury growled at him. 

Watts: What? Still displeased of all your loss. 
He said as Mercury growled at him. 

Mercury: Shut it. 
He growls before walking out of the room. 

Watts: Hmm. Even if he does succeed in defeating him, he'll have to deal with her. 

To Mercury 

Mercury: Cinder. Neo. I'll make him pay for he did. I'll make sure he'll suffer. 

Here is chapter 36 of Who The Monsters Are! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! What do you all think should happen next? 

What do you all think so far? 

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