Chapter 28: A Plan

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A/N: Hello my readers, sorry for not having been able to update lately. Just have been busy with college and dealing with family. But here is the next chapter. Enjoy! 

Third Person POV 



Y/N was in the training room as he shot Blue Rose at the training robots while Blake sat on the benches, watching him fight the robots. 


Y/N shot at a robot at the head with Blue Rose before ducking a punch from a robot. The robot looked at him to see a sword to go through its chest as Y/N smirked. 

Suddenly his sword revved as the robot went to grab him. 


 Y/N ripped his sword out of the robot through the side as he saw more robots coming towards him. 


Y/N shot one at the head before lunging onto another and shoving Red Queen into another's chest. A robot grabbed him at the arm as Y/N shot at its shoulder. The arm came off as Y/N shot at its head before ducking another from punching him. 


Y/N slashed through its chest, its upper body slowly slipping off of its lower before falling onto the ground. 

While Y/N continued to fight the robots, a memory flashed through his eyes as he looked at Blue Rose. 


Y/N: Whoa. What is this? 
He asked as looked at revolver on a table before feeling his hand be smacked away. 

???: Don't touch it yet. 

Y/N: Why not Uncle Watts? 
He asked as he looked at it. 

Watts: It's not ready yet. 
He said as he sat by it before inspecting it. 

Y/N: What are you doing? 

Watts: Checking if it is working. 
He said as he opened the barrel. 

Y/N: Who is it for? 
He asked as he looked at him. 

Watts: Well for someone with a purpose. 
He said as he looked at the young Y/N. 

Y/N: Who could that be? 
He asked. 

Watts: What do you think little one? 


Watts chuckles as he looks at him. 

Y/N: What? 

Watts: No. 

Y/N: But no one else here uses a gun but you...
He told him. 

Watts: Who else uses a gun besides me.
He said as he puts Blue Rose on the table. 

Y/N: Me? 

Watts: There you go. 
He chuckles as he flips it and shoots a wall. 

Watts: A powerful one indeed. 
He said as he held it in front of Y/N. 

Y/N: You're giving it to me? 
He asked as he slowly took it into his hands. 

Watts: My gift to you. 

Another Flashback 

???: HEHEHE! Faster boy! 
A man with a scorpion tail yelled as he stabbed the ground as Y/N dodged out of the way. 

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