Chapter 41: Memories

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Salem's POV 

I didn't feel the cold blade go through. 

"W-Why hasn't gone through with it." 
I thought to myself. 

I slowly raised my head to see him with his tear of anger before my eyes widen. Seeing Tyrian's tail in his side before seeing him wrap his tail around his throat. 

Y/N: Gah! 
He gasped as he grabbed the tail. 


Third Person POV 

Salem watched in shock as Y/N was flung onto the ground, cracking the ground as he laid there. 

Salem: Y/N! 
She yelled out to him as she quickly rushed towards him, seeing him slowly get up as blood ran down from his side. 

Salem: Y/N. 
She said as she approached him pull out Blue Rose, her eyes widening as she saw his finger on the trigger. 


Salem fell to the ground as a blood puddle slowly formed underneath her. 

Y/N: Grr. 
He groans in pain as he slowly walked to Emerald, holding his side in pain. 

Y/N: I-I-I got to get out of here. 
He said as he placed Emerald on his back before flying away. 

Salem's POV 







"W-Where am I?" 
I asked as I slowly looked around to see nothing but clouds and clocks around me. 

???: Mommy! 
I heard their voices before turning to the side. 

"I-I-Is it really you?" 

Children: Mommy! 
They said as I rushed towards them. 


I asked as I reached for them to only feel a field in front of me. 

Children: Mommy. 
They said as they reached out for me. 

"No. No. No." 
I said as I reached for them to only feel the field pushing me away them. 

???: As long this world turns, you shall walk its face. 

I said as I tried to reach for them to only be pulled back into a dark void. 

"W-W-Where am I?" 
I asked as I looked around to see nothing but darkness. 


???: Look I did it! I was able to do it! 
I heard his voice once more before turning to see him. 

I asked as I saw his younger self. 

Y/N: I was finally able to do it! 
He yelled excitingly. 

???: Excellent Y/N. 
I heard myself before turning to see her walk into the room. 

Salem: How did you do it? 
She asked as I looked at Y/N, seeing his smile. 

Y/N: I was able to do it because of you mommy. 
He said with a smile as I felt it crack. 

Seeing his smile again, his E/C eyes full of life as he put his sword on his back. 


Salem: Seems like you're hungry. 
She said with a soft smile. 

Y/N: Yeah. 
He said with a smile. 

Salem: What do you want to eat today? 
She asked with a smile as I looked at him. 

Y/N: Hmm... can we get F/F? 

A/N: F/F is favorite food. 

Salem: Of course. 
She said with a smile as she held her hand out. 

Y/N: Yeah! 
He yelled excitingly before holding onto her hand. 

Seeing them both walk away as they held their hands together. 

Y/N: Mommy? 
He asked as he looked at her. 

Salem: What is it Y/N? 
She asked as she looked at him. 

Y/N: I love you mommy. 
He said with a smile. 

Salem: I love you too. 
She said with a smile. 

Dream Ends

I slowly opened my eyes to see the dark skies, feeling the cold breeze running along my skin. Feeling the cold puddle of blood beneath me. 

"D-D-Damn it." 
I said, seeing their faces again. 

???: I looked up to you. I looked up to you as a mother. Then you threw me away like another subordinate. 
I heard his voice echo through my head, tears slowly running down my cheeks. 

"I-I-I'm sorry Y/N." 

To Blake 

Blake was laying on Y/N's bed as she looked at her scroll, looking at his number. 

Blake: Where is he. He should be back by now. 
She thought to herself as she laid in his bed. 

Blake: Y/N. 
She said as she looked at a picture of him on her scroll. 

Blake: Where did you go? 

Somewhere Else 


Y/N landed on the ground, coughing up blood as he held his side in pain. 

Y/N: D-D-Damn it. 
He groaned in pain. 

Y/N: S-S-Should have been more careful. 
He cursed to himself as he coughed up blood. 

???: Hey what is a human like you doing here. 
A stranger said as Y/n slowly looked up to see a white fang member pointing their weapons at him. 

White Fang Member 2: Answer human. 
One demanded as he had a sword at his throat. 

Y/N growls before reaching for Red Queen before feeling someone hit him at the back of the head. 

???: What should we do with him and the girl? 
Another white fang member asked. 

White Fang Member 2: Take him to Sienna Khan. 

Here is chapter 41 of Who The Monsters Are! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! What do you all think so far? 

What do you all think should happen next? 

Happy New Years! 

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