Chapter 51 : Y/N Vs Mercury

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Third Person POV 

Ozpin was standing in his office as he sipped out of his mug, looking out the window over the courtyard.

Ozpin: Mr L/N. Where have you gone.
He thought to himself as he took another sip out of his cup.


Ozpin slowly turned around to see Goodwitch walk into the room with a tablet in her hand.

Ozpin: Glynda. I don't recall calling you up to my office.
He said as he looked at her.

Goodwitch: You need to see this.
She said and held her tablet in front of him, showing a video of Y/N and Mercury fighting in a courtyard.

Ozpin: Get the bullhead ready now. 

To Y/N 





Gunshots echoed throughout the courtyard as Mercury ran down a hallway, holding Emerald tightly as Y/N shot at them from across the yard. 


Another gunshot rung throughout the yard as Mercury hid behind a pillar. 

Y/N: You can run but you can't hide Mercury. 
He said as bullets fell to the ground before inserting another set of bullets into its cylinder. 

Mercury: Damn it. 
He curses as he places Emerald down on the ground before peeking around the corner. 


Y/N: Hiding? Thought you would at least come out here and fight. 
He said, aiming at the pillar. 

Emerald: M-Mercury. 
She said with a raspy voice as Mercury remained silent. 

Y/N: And to think you're hiding while you talk of coming after me. 
He said as Mercury looked around before seeing a wrench at the corner and grabbed it. 


Mercury hid behind another column as he held the wrench in his hand. 

Y/N: What was it you said? That you'd take revenge for Cinder and Neo? 
He said as he walked around the room, holding Blue Rose in hand. 

 Mercury: Would have thought you'd just get this done instead of talking. 
He said as Emerald slowly closed her eyes, her aura flickering. 

Y/N: How did you find my present? How was it finding Neo like that in Vale? 
He asked as Mercury growled loudly. 

Y/N: How about Cinder? How did it feel when you heard her gasping over the radio and knowing you can't do a damn thing about it. 
He said with a smirk before seeing a tall figure with grey hair in black clothing. 

Y/N: What the hell? 
He asked himself as the figure slowly raised its arm holding something in its hand. 


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