Chapter 63: Dream of the Past

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Third Person POV 



A woman with blonde hair in a red dress rushed into a room with a young boy. 

Young boy: What's happening mom? 
The young boy asked with fear as she led him to a wardrobe before pushing him in. 

Mom: You need to hide, Dante. No matter what happens, you mustn't leave! 
She told him before looking out the door as footsteps were heard. 

Mom: I need to find Vergil. I promise I'll be back. 
She said before placing her hands around his head, cupping his cheeks. 

Mom: I know this is hard. You must listen to me. Be a big boy...a man. Okay? 
She asked as she slowly looked away before looking back at him. 

Somewhere Else 

???: GAH! 
Another young boy yelled out as he slashed through a demon, blood slowly running down his back as he panted heavily. 


The boy quickly spun around before throwing a wide slash at a demonic creature. 


The creature roared in pain before slashing at the young boy. The young boy yelled in pain as he pulled away from the creature. 

Young Boy: W-Why is this happening? 
He asked, panting heavily as he gripped his sword before seeing the creature charge at him with its claws out. 

The creature quickly thrusts its claws at the young boy before blocking its claws. After blocking its claws, the young swordsman quickly spun around as the creature ran down the breezeway before stopping in front of a statue. 

Creature: Sparda. 
The creature growled as he looked at the statue. 


The creature gasped as the young boy shoved his sword through its chest. The creature slowly dropped onto its knees as the young boy stood over him. 

Boy: Where is everyone? 
He asked as he looked around, seeing nothing but a burning house in front of him. 

Boy: Where is Dante? Where is mom? 

Dream Ends 

Somewhere Else 


Y/N: Whoa, this thing is different from the others. 
He said as he looked at a humanoid grimm with three razor sharp claws. 

Y/N: Well come on. 
He said as he held his sword in hand before seeing it charge at him. Seeing its claws sinking into the ground as its red eyes glare at him before swinging his arm to the side. The swordsman quickly backed up as he raised his sword up. 


Y/N: Whoa! 
He yelled in shock as the creature glared at him with its red eyes, trying to sink its claws into him. 

???: Y/N! Come on, we've got to go! 
A feminine voice called out as Y/N chuckles before grabbing the grimm by the head before slamming it into the ground.


Y/N: There we go. 
He said as he looked to see Nora looking at him with a smirk. 

Nora: Took you long enough. 
She said as she crossed her arms. 

Y/N: Now what ?
He asked before feeling her arms around his. 

Nora: Now its time to work out! 
She yelled as Y/N looked at her. 

Y/N: Why do we need to work out? 

Nora: Because why not. 
She said as she looked at him. 

Y/N: What are we going to be doing then.
He sighs. 

Nora: Everything. 

Somewhere Else 

???: Good. You've shown improvement. 
A man in dark clothing commented with a grin as a boy with grey hair looked at him. 

???: In no time, I'll be ready to take my revenge on Y/N for killing those three. What happens now. 
He said as he looked at Mundus. 

Mundus: Soon. After I am done with Salem, we will make sure the sparda blood line ends here. 

Here is (short) chapter 63 of Who The Monsters Are! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! What do you all think so far? 

What do you all think should happen next? 

Who The Monsters Are(Cheater Harem X Betrayed Male Reader)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα