"So, what do you think?" Jin asks with his charming smile.
"It's absolutely beautiful" I face him.
"It's about someone special. Can you guess who?" Jin asks, his eyes shining.

"Hm...your secret lover?" I tease and he frowns immediately.
"That's not even funny" he scolds. I kiss his plump lips. I pull away to see his gentle smile.

"It's about you, Love" he coos into my face.
"It's a sweet song Jin" I say with shining eyes.
"Do you know what it's about?" He asks. He doesn't give me a chance to answer since he's so excited.

"It's about the confusing power you hold over me" Jin says with his charming smile.
"When you push your hair back or even just blink, you already have me under your spell. It's confusing but I'm enjoying the ride" Jin continues as he looks me in my eyes.

"Geez, you make me sound like some kind of goddess" I laugh.
"That's because you are one in my eyes. A beautiful goddess that loves the ice-coffee I make. The one who would wear different matching socks even to a fancy meeting" Jin laughs and lightly slap his chest with a pout.

"That's because the left ones always go missing" I try to defend myself. He laughs at me as he grips my arms.
"Never change" he says with his charming smile.

"As long as you don't change" I say threateningly, pointing a finger in his face.
"Deal" Jin laughs.
"Would you play me your song again?" I ask.
"It's more your song" Jin says as he pushes a button, starting his song.

"You made it so it's yours" I counter.
"I was hoping we could make a duet-just for ourselves" Jin suggests.
"But I like how it is now. I can't taint this masterpiece" I say as I sway a bit to Jin's song.
"I think it would sound even better-you singing by my side. Whatcha say?" Jin asks as he holds me to sit still.
"If you're sure then of course I will sing with you" I say, returning his bright smile.

"There's a dinner meeting on Wednesday. Please go with me" I plead with Jin after a long day's work. They told me today. I usually don't have to attend these fancy dinners since someone else can always handle it-and with my awesome acting skills of being sick.

I don't see the point in these dinners. I noticed the slow decline of invites because the company knows I'll find a way to get out of it.

But this time, it was absolutely necessary that I attend-or that's at least what my boss said. When he says I have to do something, THEN I do it-no matter how unnecessary it may seem in my eyes.

"A dinner meeting? Can't you just be sick again?" Jin jokes. I pout.
"No. My boss says I HAVE to go" I say dramatically as I collapse on the couch.

"What's the meeting for?" Jin asks.
"It's for some collaboration" I brush off his question, not really caring about the reason but the reason why I must go.
"Collaboration?" Jin continues.
"I am pretty sure it's between another big company-or at least one that shows great potential. I don't think they would organize a dinner meeting for a deal between celebrities-or would they?" I think, staring at the ceiling in thought.

"I see that's a loaded question" Jin laughs at me.
"Please just come with me" I ask again as I look towards Jin.
"Wednesday..." Jin wonders as he opens his phone.

"I might be a bit late but I think I can make it" Jin says.
"You don't have to come if you're busy" I quickly back track.
"No no. You don't ask for much. The least I can do is this" he says.
"That ain't true but I'll take it. Thanks" I say with a huge smile.

"What you doing on Wednesday then? Another photoshoot?" I ask. I know it's not a concert. Jin would've already dragged me along, ticket in hand.
"Yeah, amongst other things" Jin simply says.
"Nice-then you'll be all dressed up. I can show off my worldwide handsome husband" I awe at idea.

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