Izuku took everything in as he realized he was right. All people cared about was the flashiness of their quirks and the style of their triumph over evil. He remembered the old heroes that used to do community service just for the hell of it. They were an inspiration to him. They were the second reason he wanted to be a hero growing up. Number one reason being the current number one hero All Might. But thanks to recent events All Might has pretty much sunk to the bottom of the barrel. He had a new role model to look up to and his name was Eraser head. It totally wasn't because that's his dad or anything. No absolutely not.

Izuku:"I see. So I'm guessing that you brought me here so that I can clean this up. While I'm totally up for cleaning this place up,how will this be training for me?" He asks with genuine confusion as he figured he would just be picking up a few papers maybe even a few bins. Nothing that would be considered a real workout.

Aizawa:"Tell me,can you move a truck without any equipment?" He asks with a smirk already knowing the answer.

Izuku looks at him confused for a moment as he didnt see any trucks. When he walked over to where Aizawa was he got a better view of the dump and saw all of the trucks, tires,refrigerators etc. that has been illegally dumped here.

Izuku:"Ok,I take back what I just said. This could work. Well this place isn't gonna clean itself. Let's get to work." He said excitedly about to jump right into the training.

Aizawa:"Not so fast. Thats not all you'll be doing. I made a training plan for you to do everyday. I managed to map out your daily life to a degree and worked everything in accordingly. Your training wont just be here kid, in essence you will be training all day everyday. Even at school since I was able to infuse the training weights into your school uniform. To top it all off I want you to learn a few more moves from that book. We havent even gotten through half of what's in there yet. So be ready for hell on earth." He says as he gives Izuku his signature sadistic grin.

Izuku just gives him a challenging smirk as he was fully prepared for this.

Izuku:"I had to deal with your training for all these years, a bit more work added on isn't gonna make me back out now." He said with determination.


Ten months have passed and we see Aizawa waking up at an unholy hour of 2:30 in the morning. After he finishes his daily routine he goes to get Izuku for his last day of training. He opens up his door only to find it empty. With a look of confusion he checks the bathroom and finds it empty as well. He thinks for a minute before smiling and heading out the door.

Aizawa:"You wanted that much of a head start huh kid." He says with a bit of fatherly pride knowing how much effort he's putting into his workout.

He was just around the corner when he hears someone yelling into the heavens. When he got to the beach he was shocked beyond belief as the whole beach was completely clean. Free of any dirt and trash. The once dirty and filthy garbage dump has returned into the beautiful beach it once was. The sand was clear of any trash that was washed ashore or thrown in. Even the parts outside of where he was supposed to clean. The waters were even more breath taking as it was a beautiful crystal blue free of any trash. The site alone was enough to make Aizawa shed a tear.

Aizawa:"I-It's beautiful. This kid is amazing. I only wanted the specified part of the beach clean but he just goes ahead and cleans the whole damn thing."He says with astonishment.

All that was left was one giant pile just off the beach. He looked at the huge pile of trash that was left and saw Izuku on top of it shirtless yelling at the top of his lungs with a black aura shining around him. When the yelling stopped he started swaying before falling off the pile of trash. Aizawa noticing this rushes to catch him just in time before Izuku crashed into the ground and possibly getting pretty hurt. Izuku in his half unconscious mind just starts talking to Aizawa.

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