Chapter 12

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Picture of Odysseus


Its funny how so much can change in so little time.

We all know the saying 'Rome wasn't built in a day',my friend Riley always added "but it can be destroyed in one."

I found out that it is very much true,
my entire life had been built based on simplicity and ease,if not a little mediocrity and honestly I was fine with that. I had always thought that I would just go with the flow of life and take what life gave me. Until life gave me something that I'd have trouble riding the waves.

The loss of Presh hit us harder than I expected, for me at least.


"Welcome to your new home."

After those words,silence descended . I kept my mouth shut before I get myself killed as I obviously was out of my league and even if I was, I didn't know how to maneuver my way around things like this. Ugh I hate politics...and my life.

"Try not to look so down,it's not as if all is lost, your Master expected something like this to happen which is why she came out of hiding to ask for my help. I'm going to get you to where you need to be in the shortest amount of time possible so you can all go help that stubborn brat" The Dragon said, a little warm entering into his voice though his demeanour was still cold.

"And to get you out of my city" he mumbled under his breath but we all heard him.

"But Prince Odysseus!" Arthur suddenly shouted making everyone immediately snap their heads to his direction in shock,the man before them is a Prince, a Dragon Prince....who I almost just insulted. He..hehe,I can feel my life getting shorter. My now eternal life

"You can't be serious!" He continued, eyes wide and skin pale. "I understand the need for them to be here but I need to be with Persephone! They need to be strong to survive in Iranten but I am already in the inner Royal Circle, she shouldn't face the King's and Court's wrath alone. You know what its like Ody" Arthur's voice softened at the end to an almost pleading tone.

"Be quiet Achilles!" Prince Odysseus said quietly but it boomed in the otherwise quiet room, his aura slamming into the room,my fangs shot out cutting my lips but the other remained unaffected. "Whose fault do you think it is that she has to go through this alone? If you and her had trained your members, if...No if you had never ran away with her in the first place, if you had stopped her,if you hadn't helped she would have never escaped, everyone knows Persephone can't do magic so how did she escape the magic fortified Iranten huh? If you didn't help her you wouldn't have incurred the King's wrath!"

More power slammed into the room forcing me and the others except Arthur onto our knees, their transformations vicious,wings,fangs and eyes rapidly changing as we were forced into submission.

Arthur stood up and so did Prince Odysseus who walked around his desk and thrust his hand towards our violently panting selves.

"Do you see this Achilles?! This is the reason why you're here! This is why you master risked angering your King further, this is why she is facing both her enemies and allies alone. Or rather why she has to. Because. You. Are. Weak."

So much power flowed into the room that the air became excruciatingly painful to even breathe, my skin pulled tight on my bones as though it wanted to run off,my organs felt like they were being crushed and I could fell my consciousness fading while I struggled to hold on. Then a thud sounded through the room and I managed to twist my head back to the pair.

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