Chapter 11

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Life. Joy. Confusion. Need.

Again...not again! Why. Why. Why?!

Heat throbbed  from the right side of the face of the small blurry figure being dragged into a dark narrow space.

"Stay in there until you figure how to do it right! You misbegotten child!" The deep voice boomed from the shadowed male figure that towered over the tinier one.

"I'll do it! I-i can d-do it! Please don't make me go there. I'll do it! I promise!" Begged the trembling little figure with a soft and child-like voice that was obviously female.

The shadow gave way over the man's eyes to reveal crimson eyes soften as he gasped at the trembling child in the cellar.

"I'm sorry,but you know I have to do this. I love you." He patted the crying child's curly black locks as he shut the entrance to the door and walked away while the child wailed. And the child was surrounded by darkness

Pain. Hatred. Sorrow. Fear.

The blurry little child morphed into the body of a young adolescent as the darkness faded away, the blurry teenager was cornered in a secluded passage that was lit through artificial light as four figures that appeared to be teenagers as well crowded her.

One of the figures laughed as the cornered girl trembled from fear. "What's the matter? the little girl afraid of little old me?" The voice of the teenager boy cracking a sign of puberty.

"Who's afraid of you? You can't even come at me alone,you had to bring your band of idiots for support. Do tell me... Are you afraid of little old me?" The cornered girl asked,happy that her voice was steady and teasing even though she felt anything but.

The boy just raised a brow then smirked "Is that a challenge?" The boy asked as he gestured for his friends to step backwards as he moved towards the girl. "I'll gladly show you that I do not need anyone to deal with you. So come on are you challenging me?"

The boy advanced until he was face to face with the teenage girl or in this case,face to chest and stared her down while releasing his aura that he just started developing and the girl lost what courage that she had gathered and she remained silent staring down at her sandal clad feet.

"I said. Are. You. Challenging me?" The boy asked,the teasing glint leaving his eyes as the girl ignored him.

The girl shook her head slowly,her stomach filling with dread as the others began to laugh mocking.

"Of course you're not" a girl from the group said snickering "A weakling like you knows your place, you can't even do something as basic as releasing your aura and you're struggling to project your fangs and you want to challenge Darius"

They all laughed like the girl had said the funniest joke and the cornered girl just continued staring at her feet,shame washing over her.

"You know I heard a rumor that they discovered one thing you're useful for. Do you know what that is?" The girl continued coming to stand beside the boy in front of the trembling girl who paled as she heard what was said.

"I heard you're very...sweet. Is that right?" The girl asked as she looked at the girl who was now visibly shaking.

The girl shook her head frantically as she shook.

"Hmm... I think she's lying to us" The boy,Darius,said looking back at the other boys and girls and smiled crookedly,he looked back to the short girl in front of him. "Won't you let us find out for ourselves?"

True Bloods (UNDER RECONSTRUCTION)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ