Chapter 5

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Picture of Uriah^


I peed myself.

Metaphorically of course.

Although I was damn well close to.

I remained completely still,fear locking all my loins. A clawed furry hand curled around my shoulder,grip nearly crushing it. I slowly turned around and came face to face with a woman...? Bright green eyes,pupils slit,whiskers on her cheeks,catlike black nose and ears,her face and body covered in orange white striped fur,no inch of skin to be seen. Clad in a pale brown long sleeved shirt and white ripped jeans with brown combat boots. In short,she looked like a female tiger who was shaped like a human,the exact same height as me, sharp teeth on display as she began yanking me into the house,slamming the door shut as I trembled,tears streaming down my face.

"Its not good to ease-drop you know" the gravelly voice growled into my ear standing right behind me "you might hear things that you would be better off not knowing,hmm? Human" the last word coming out degrading.

"Princess Persephone,is this another one of your clan members"The man,Uriah,said looking down at me from under his nose. What is it with this guys making the most normal words sound so insulting. If I wasn't so scared, I would have been offended,I was too busy thinking of a way not to die.

"Nefertari, let her go"Presh said.

"OK"The woman,Nefertari,said letting go of me,I tried to scramble away but she just laughed and dragged me back "Just kidding,I'll let her go the moment you come back to Iranten"

Presh or perhaps Princess Persephone-- I don't even know anymore-- just hissed through her fangs.

Nefertari's grip on me vanished as she was slammed into the door, and I found myself being lifted in the air by strong arms,claws digging into my sides,I looked up to see Emmett's face,his demonic features looking remorseful and pained.

"I'm sorry"He said,voice raw and animalistic,birdlike clicking sounds escaping him as he spoke,his hands caressing my sides,touch warm and stabilizing though it did little to calm me,it helped somewhat,at least they cared about me,that part wasn't an act...hopefully.

"You have a witch"Uriah's voice boomed,sounding both impressed and annoyed,drawing my attention back to the ground below me--thank goodness I wasn't scared of heights-- to see Uriah standing at attention,arms pressed to his side,struggling against an unseen force,Nefertari in a similar situation against the door.

Then I saw Amanda,her eyes completely white and iris-less,curly hair now straight and risen above her head,as if stuck in static,arms stretched out,mouth moving rapidly with no sound produced with canines elongated reaching her chin,head jerking left to right quickly and violently,eyes twitching.

Then a gentle humming started,luring me into a hazy state until Emmett snapped me out of it.

"No,no,don't listen,that's not for you,focus on something else"his voice gentle and soothing despite its ethereal qualities. It was a struggle but I managed.

Uriah head snapped to Presh,body still struggling although it was visibly relaxing.Nefertari already out cold,body dangling against the door,held up by the invisible force. "You! You can--!"He started

"Shh. Relax" Presh cut him off,her voice serenading,song-like,a gentle pull that I struggled to resist,Emmett clicked and coo-ed in my ears,lessening the effects. "Its alright,you didn't find anyone in this town did you?"She continued talking although it sounded like she was singing,voice becoming more pleasant and captivating with each word.Black blood now streaming from her eyes and ears. Uriah,having now succumbed,nodded his head along with Nefertari across the room. "Good,you're going to go back to where ever you're supposed to go next and forget all about this. Aren't you?" They nodded. Still in a trance,the two of them walked out,apparently free from the force holding them--Amanda's hair now curly and resting against her back,green irises back in her eyes,pupils slit-- they opened the door and left. The gentle humming still in place as they left.

True Bloods (UNDER RECONSTRUCTION)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz