Chapter 6

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"The best choice would have just been to kill you but unfortunately,fortunately for you though,Emmett and I have taken a liking to you. So now we're in a bit of a dilemma. What shall we do to right this erroneous wrong?"

"Be a dear and let me go?"I suggested hopefully though hesitantly.

"Kill her and leave"Amanda said. Obviously.

"No. We don't end our friends"Emmett  objected.

"What do you guys even like about her?" Amanda asked irritated.

Emmett and Presh looked at each other,they shrugged and Presh answered blankly.

"She talks about anime with us,no one ever does" woah,who ever said anime was stupid should promptly go and fuck themselves while watching Darwin's game. She stopped there

"That's it?" Arthur asked,they nodded. What the fuck?! That's just mean.

Presh saw the hurt look on my face. "What? There are worst things to be thought of by supernaturals as a human you know" The hurt look deepened. "Oh and Emmett thinks you're cute."

All eyes snapped to him, he stared blankly and said "Yeah I do,she is cute you know"

They all turned to look at me,then nodded their heads in agreement. I flushed,blushing madly,it's one thing to be told you're attractive,its another thing to be told that by people literally a whole world out of your league.

Presh spoke,taking the attention off me "Normally I'd let you go with your promise not to tell anyone or used my siren powers to make you forget,since you're a weak human it would last forever,if you were stronger,it would reduce the durability. However,I won't because once Uriah and Nefertari remember you,they'd come after you to either kill you for distracting them giving Amanda the opportunity to attack because without that they would have got us but you came,or they would try to use you as bait,which won't work then they'd just kill you"

My eyes watered from fear.

"Exactly. Look I have nothing against you,you're a fun person to be around and honestly would have loved to get to know you but you came to the right place at the wrong time and we honestly can't have you around because you'd become a liability,that's why I want us to make your end simple and swift otherwise those guys earlier would ensure you suffer. So please. Die" Amanda said,holding my hands while looking sincerely into my eyes,like she wasn't asking me to die.

I wrenched my hands away.

"No you damn magical mosquito!" I yelled. The room fell silent.

Then the gang lips simultaneously started twitching and they burst out laughing,including Amanda.

"Damn. We didn't know we were mosquitoes, now that you mention it,we're kinda of hungry and there's a tasty delectable human over here. Hey,human. Mind if we have a bite?" Amanda said and they all smiled revealing elongated canines and they moved closer to me.

I screamed and they started laughing again settling back in their seats. I pouted,crossing my arms. Stupid mosquitoes.

"Give me your hand" Presh told me still chuckling and I did. She suddenly made her pointer fingernail a claw and cut the center of her palm. Chaos erupted. The other members of the GPF rushed over to Precious,grabbing both her wrist,talking over one another scolding and reprimanding her.

"Are you out of your goddamn mind?!" Arthur boomed.

"Stop this immediately!" Marcus yelled.

"You know how dangerous that is!" Jessica screeched.

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