Chapter 10

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Play the song above when you see 🎶 for a better experience.
Name of the song:The Arena by Lindsey Stirling.
"Theron" Presh breathed out softly,her voice low but packed with deep emotions.

"Mom" He breathed back.

That's...that's Presh's son. I stood in shock and I wasn't the only one,Emmett,the twins and Amanda stood still while gazing at him with wide eyes. It seemed they had never met him before. Arthur was the only one who moved towards the...mother and son while the rest of us stood in the middle of the room watching them.

The tall man,Theron, let go of Presh when he saw Arthur approaching and grabbed him into his own fierce hug which Arthur heartily reciprocated. The boy a few inches taller than the giant Arthur. Presh still staring at him ,eyes glittering with emotion.

"Uncle Arthur"Theron said,his voice light and airy,sounding choked up as he spoke in accented English--an accent I couldn't place. "Its been too long"

Arthur pulled back and stared at him in shock and said "You speak English? Since when?"

Theron laughed and bent down a little to allow his shorter mother caress his cheek. "Yes, Iranten is now a dominantly English speaking country ever since the King,Queen and we the Imeldinas started learning it for a trip we meant to embark on. You know the court,they are not ones to be outdone. Everyone and their sons started to learn English and before you know it, a few hundred years passed and everyone speaks English and hardly any Irant."

Presh and Arthur laughed,staring at the man with love,adoration and warmth.

"I expected no less from those pigheaded set of nobles" Presh said.

"Hey! You're a noble too,you know" Theron exclaimed jokingly.

"Exactly. What's your point?" She replied just as playful,the smile on her face threatened to split it in half.

We could only watch amazed as we watch Presh and Arthur interact with her son. The atmosphere light and full of love. I felt a pang in my chest,missing my own parents. How Presh and Theron have gone 1542 without seeing each other is baffling.

"So what brings you here,my prince?"Arthur joking asked,giving a mocking bow "And how did you escape the clutches of the King and now also apparently your father? Well you and your mother are known for your grand escapes, I swear you two can escape anything."

"First of all, don't call that man my father. The King is the only father I recognized,just because he donated his seed doesn't make him my father. A man who I didn't see since I was 100 years old and who abandoned my mother under the hoax of work is not my father,he doesn't get to walk back into my life after 1642 years and think he can be my father" Theron said,his light and soft voice hardening in anger.

Presh looked sad as she moved in front of him and cupped his cheeks "Sweetheart,I'm sorry you didn't get to see him when you were younger,and you had to see what I went through,I never meant for it to hurt you as well,I'm so sor--" she was cut when Theron grabbed her in a hug.

"Don't. Don't apologize for what you had no control over. You were the best mother I could ever have had. Don't blame yourself but the people who caused it.I love you,you know that"

Presh spoke with tears running down her cheeks and it broke my heart to see this always happy person in tears. Why is it always the happy one who go through the most pain and no one knows?

"I love you too my little defender" Theron made a noise of protest at the name and Presh gave a watery laugh "I guess you're not so little anymore,but you have to give your father a chance. He's not a bad man,he just had misplaced priorities"

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