Chapter 7

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The sheets pulled around my waist as I tossed and turned on the bed,my heart numb now that the after effects of the ritual had worn off. My mind however was still overly active,the fear,worry,anxiety and disbelief I felt ever since I stumbled into the supernatural nearly overwhelming me. I thought back to the moment Presh went to bed.



"What now?" I asked the remaining people inside the room.

"Let's get some sleep now. We'll have to leave this place tomorrow since its been compromised,and we're not leaving town yet"Marcus answered shotting me an accusing glance "We need to find a new place to live tomorrow because where we planned to go after this doesn't allow humans of any form in. You can sleep in the guest room upstairs"

"I could just go home..."

"So you can attack someone on the street or worse your family. It seems you've forgotten you are no longer a normal human,you might accidentally use your powers on people with witnesses present, you also haven't gotten hungry yet. I don't think so. Just shut up and follow us. The room is right beside Presh's"Arthur said looking worn.

I promptly kept quiet and followed them up the spiral wooden steps where everyone turned to different directions,Marcus and Amanda went down the hall while Emmett and Jessica went to the two doors adjacent to the steps, Arthur took me down a different hallway where there were only three doors---how many rooms are there?--- there was a door at the end of the hall, an intense but soothing presence projected from just behind that door,I moved towards the room as the presence beckoned me,it had an aura of safety and security.

A hand stopped my advance. My eyes moved to the huge veiny hands and trailed up to an arm clad in the sleeve of a black shirt into tired grey eyes.

"I understand the pull you feel right now but Presh needs rest now,please at least just her some time to rest"Arthur began as he lead me away from the door that hid the person behind it and to a door at the left side of the hall where he stopped "This is your room for the night. Oh and if by any chance you start to feel hungry and parched,just go to Presh's room OK?" He asked but walked off before I could respond,I understood though,I was really tired,my mind beginning to catch up to the events of the day.

I opened the door and walked into the spacious room,I was too tired to even look around and just located the queen sized bed at the center of the room,laid on it and was knocked out.

Now, I woke nearly two hours later,the night still dark,mind reeling,hungry and parched,how I could even have an appetite now,I had no idea and it wasn't like it was my house that I could just move around as I pleased and I didn't want to bother anyone,I'll just eat when I got home and try to sleep now.

Or so I thought.

Until the door to my room opened and fear gripped my heart,thinking that they have come to kill me and take the others away,I stayed extremely still,my heart in my throat praying for mercy.

Then a voice spoke from the door.

"Can you not make me feel your hunger and wake me up? I'm really tired you know. Newborns are always so hasty" I sighed in relief,hearing Presh's voice as she grumbled coming to sit beside me on the bed,I turned and faced her. "Although we can't call you a Newborn since you're not really a vampire...Just an immortal,ageless human....hmm you maybe the first non-born dhampir" She made a smug face. "I made you,I'm pretty awesome,normally people I turned vampires  lose all their former supernatural abilities but there are a few times that it doesn't happen and all the people in my clan that I turned are like that. I'm awesome"She jested and I laughed,the negative feelings that took hold of me melting away thus making the atmosphere light.

True Bloods (UNDER RECONSTRUCTION)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz