Chapter 2

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I'm an idiot!

That was the sole thought that has echoed through my head for over twenty minutes, I'm terrible at biology and I chased of a genius who would have landed me a sure A.

I sighed as I splashed water on my face in the girls' bathroom sink and stared at myself in the mirror.

Fifty-five kilograms of dyed white hair, green eyes, pink lips, and pure stupidity stared back at me as I thought back on what just happened.

"I'm sure,sir." She confirmed.

I was simply in shock, I thought this only happened in novels.

"Alright then,if you want to get a partner ensure to inform me first." The teacher said and asked me if I also didn't want a partner.

I hesitantly nodded, there was no one else to partner anyway and I had pissed off the only available person.

I was just happy her and her gang were against bullying otherwise I would be screwed, we've all seen people harassed for less.

The teacher told everyone to start planning their assignment scheme for the rest of the class and gave out some annoying hard topics to each pair.

Halfway into class,Precious stood up and walked up to the teacher's desk and submitted her scheme to the teacher. Everyone was surprised at the speed she used to finish, including our teacher.

"Are you sure you're done?" He asked.

"Yes, you can look through it if you wish" Precious replied and went back to her seat.

I hadn't even written 7 lines in my own schedule, how was I supposed to do this?

Five minutes later, the teacher looked up,face shining with pure bliss.

"Ms Imelda,please see me after this class"

That was how the class ended with me struggling to write my scheme, my classmates having fun with their partner and Precious sleeping at her table.

I was one of the last people to leave the class, Precious was at the teacher's desk as I was leaving and I heard the teacher saying.

"Amazing,how did you--"  I couldn't hear anymore as i rounded the corner, going out of earshot, I rushed to the bathroom.

I sighed again and left the bathroom to go the my next class, I was already late,  when pain erupted in the back of my head and my vision went dark.

I groaned and opened my eyes to see two blurry figures looming over me, I rested my back against the wall clutching my head.

When my eyes refocused, I was not prepared for the sight I was about to behold.

My supposed attackers were two...girls? If you could call them that,t hey were...well, for lack of a better word hideous, I mean they had faces even a mother couldn't love, I'll spare you the gruesome details of how they look. Let your imagination serve you.

"How dare you?!" Screeched reverse-bimbo number one "How dare you embarrass Precious?!" She stood above me, holding a metal pen case.

Huh? Is that what she used to hit my head?

"Our Queen was nice enough to give you the time of day and you... you disgraced her?! Do you know how much we would pay just to have her glance at us once?!" Screamed reverse-bimbo two.

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