Chapter 1

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I'm not antisocial, I just hate people.

Yet I still hang out with them.

I'm not sad either...most of the time,people seem to think that when you feel down,you have to look like the world just ended and your dog peed on your parents grave,but no,when people are down, they tend to hide it behind a smile or behind anger,violence,or behind frigid coldness or maybe forged indifference.

Society tells you that its okay to cry,that its unhealthy to bottle it up but the moment you do, society will be the first to point its crooked fingers,to judge,to critize,and slap a label on your forehead that will be with you for the rest of your bloody life.

But you see,that's the thing,people will talk no matter what you do or how you look. So I do what I want. Period.

I'm the type of person who'd rather stay at home and do nothing or read novels. I rather watch anime than kiss a boyfriend and I'm a quiet person who avoids confrontation until you throw the first punch so I can claim self defense.

So you can get why I would be the prime candidate for bullying,but I don't get bullied. Why? You'll soon find out.

Junior year. Another year of aimless drifting, people my age have already started figuring out what they want to do with their lives and I can't even decide what to eat for breakfast.

I've lived a simple life, both my parents are alive and more concerned about travelling the world with the little money we have instead of saving it,for I don't know, maybe my college but I don't actually mind,never liked school anyway. Just going through life as a passing body but that's alright, eventually I'd find my feet...hopefully.

But I'm wasn't alone,I had two friends,Riley Bowen and Aaron Fitrozy, both of which,were actively staring me down from the entrance of our school's building as I walked towards them.

Riley Bowen, a tall beautiful girl,with cat-like dark green eyes,full pouty lips and a straight thin nose,slightly puffy cheeks coupled with dyed royal blue hair to go along with a curvy figure.

Aaron Fitrozy, a boy of average height with captivating blue eyes that seem to stare into your soul,with messy black hair and slightly defined features,he was considered cute, until he opened his mouth.

I suddenly found myself on the ground,blue hair clouding my vision,a heavy mass crushing me. I laughed and said.

"Did you miss me that much Ri."

"Pfft- no,I just hate your ugly mug so much that I decide to introduce you to the floor."Riley replied,sitting on my stomach as I laid on the ground. Dying.

"Oi, can you two knock it off, I have maths class first today and I don't want to be late." Aaron said, and suddenly there was silence. We looked up at Aaron and then at ourselves then we all bursted out laughing.

I love my friends. As I said, I'm not antisocial,however at least once in a day I need some hours(a lot)to myself because who doesn't?

I got off the floor and followed them to class.

Lunch rolled around and the day was pretty uneventful. I sat down in the cafeteria next to Aaron at 'our' table,which had the view of the entire cafeteria. A lot of new faces,probably freshmen.

My friends and I were talking about our break when suddenly there was a loud crash followed by booming laughter,the cafeteria went deadly silent. We looked up to see a two boys standing over a girl covered in food on the floor,laughing at her and shoving back to the floor as she tried to get up with tears in her eyes.

Wrong move.

We all watched with bated breath as the boys continued taunting the humiliated freshman girl. Then one of the boys was taped on the shoulder,he turned around and was face to face with a girl.

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