Chapter 33

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~ The day before the wedding~

We'd been through the rehearsal and had the last minute dress fittings done, now we were waving bye to my dad and the boys as we were going to stay in the Grand Royale Hotel.
Once we got to the hotel we dropped out bags at our rooms and went to the spa to get our nails done in advance so it wouldn't be worried about tomorrow. just plain French manicures with a hint of glitter, okay I had a lot of glitter because I 'accidentally' knocked the pot over my hand before the varnish was dry but whatever. we also had facials and massages because planning a wedding is actually very stressful, especially with my mum and Victoria!

Right before we went to bed I got a call off of brad. at first I wasn't sure wether I wanted to answer or not but I decided it would save hassle of I just answered.
"Hello?" I asked with a sigh
"Hey, so um I know this is awkward and all but I just wanted to know if it was okay for me and the band to still come to the wedding tomorrow? I mean we all got invites from your mum and dad but I just don't want to turn up and ruin your day." he said
"Errrrrrrrr. yeah? I mean if my mum and dad invited you your obviously welcome to their wedding." I answered unsure
"And I won't Ruin your day?" He asked
"No, Well just be friends" I said with fake happiness
"Really? I didn't believe you for a second." he said
"Just whatever, I don't really care." I said with a sigh. the line was silent for a while. "it would be nice to see tris Conor and James again tho" I said smiling
"Oh, okay. well I'll see you tomorrow then?" He asked sounding a tad disappointed
" Tell the boys I said hey" I said before hanging up and sighing. I don't think I could face Brad for an entire day without punching him in his face or breaking down and neither of them would be suitable for a wedding atmosphere. I need to vent out to someone. without hesitation I click Brooklyn's contact and wait for it to ring. It got to the second ring and then he picked up.
"What's up? " He asked
"Well not my mood that is for certain" I said glumly
"What? Why?"
"Well 'he who shall not be nAmed' called and asked if it was okay for him to go to my parents wedding tomorrow!"
"Voldemort called you about the wedding?" He sounded serious
"What? No are you stupid? Bradley! Brad called me and did this whole ' will you be cool if I show up tomorrow' and I kinda just said yeah to be polite and not let my mum and dad down but I really don't want him there ruining things because I know he's just showing up to annoy me" I vented. since brad and I broke up he's annoyed and taunted me non stop and just when I thought it had, he asks to show up at my parents big day!
"What! That's not even right! What was he thinking? Does he want his ass beat? Because if he does I'm sure there's a queue of people wanting to! That guy really makes me mad, what made him think that would be okay? That kid is an idiot!" He ranted back. I'm not sure why but Brooklyn really hated brad, like really really hated.
"Yeah so tomorrow is gonna be ruined" I sighed laying back in my bed
"Just avoid him, it will be fine" he said
"Yeah shouldn't be hard considering how many people are coming" I laughed a little before yawning, it had been a long day.
"Go to sleep, your tired and you've got a long day tomorrow" Brooklyn said
"Okay, goodnight Brooklyn"
"Night Hannah" he said before hanging up.

Short chapter - typed on my phone :/
So it's the wedding in the next chapter and boy do I have ideas for that!

Plz comment bc I love reading them.
I might do that thing were the best comment gets a shoutout in the next chapter idk

Also plz comment suggestions for a new username for me bc I want a new one

Also feel free to DM me :)

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