Chapter 24

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When we got to the airport in London we had to wait a hour for our mini van so Brooklyn and I snuck off to go get some sweets as I was hungry. On the way back from the little shop we found a photo booth so we went in there and we took loads of photos pulling funny faces and being crazy and when we'd finished and went to collect the pictures from the little slot outside the booth there was 21 strips! When we got back to the others they didn't realise we had left as they were all enjoying the mini show Cruz was putting on for them.
When we got back home I went to my actual house and unpacked then cleaned a bit then my mum and I went to the Beckhams.
We sat around the table in the patio in the crisp late spring air watching Cruz teach Harper to shoot the football into the net but as she was still a bit unsteady on her feet she kept falling.
"So instead of going to Florida I was thinking we should go to LA and surprise joe as he's always wanted to go there" my mum suggested as we were on the topic of going to Florida In two weeks.
"I don't mind, I know there's a huge sale on in the Fiji Today store soon" Victoria said
"I have a promotion signing thing to do there sometime, I could squash it in at the beginning. It'd be easier" David said
"Ask the kids see if they want to go" my mum said to me. I turned around and looked at where Romeo, Cruz and Harper were at the other end of the garden. "Hey guys cmere" I yelled once they'd gathered around I asked if they wanted to go to la instead of Florida and they agreed as they wouldn't mind.

I said bye to mum as I decided that I wanted to stay and watch brave with them and I may as well stay over. I went and put some comfy pj pants and a oversized baseball tee on and some fluffy socks before joining the others in the big lounge. They'd also put their pyjamas or comfy clothes on. We built a den thing in the middle of the room with cushions and covers and the pillows and more covers from the other living room. While the adverts were playin Victoria and I went and got some sweets and made popcorn and then we set it I front of the den and sat down. The pillows were just all over the floor, scattered everywhere and the covered were used to wrap around us. I sat at the back with my back against the sofa all wrapped up in a zebra fleece. David had just hit play and turned off the lights when there was a tug on the fleece I was wrapped in. Then the next thing I knew Brooklyn was sat right next to me wrapped in my fleece. Right when Meredith ran off I felt him rest his head on my shoulder and a arm wrap around me.

After brave we all went to bed except Romeo Brooklyn and I stayed up and watched a scary movie in Romeos room. It was actually really scary. So bad that I'd snuggled up to Brooklyn and left Romeo to fend for himself. I was actually crying by the end!
"I don't want to sleep in here tonight" Romeo said, he was holding back the tears.
"Come in my room then cause I don't want to sleep in a room alone after what happened to the girl" I said worriedly, but while we were discussing this, in the dark as we still hadn't turned the lights on, we never realised Brooklyn had moved. We were about to get up to turn the TV off then go to my room when someone grabbed my ankle from under the bed, and after the film where the Kiel was killed by a creeper under the bed I screamed blue murder, And me screaming made Romeo scream. After a few seconds the hand let go of my foot and Brooklyn crawled out laughing his head off. David and Victoria both ran in, switching the lights on, they were worried and panicked.
"What's going on? What happened?" That asked
"Well we were watching a scary movie and while Hannah and Romeo were talking I crawled under the bed and when they put their feet on the floor I grabbed Hannah's ankles and she screamed and then Romeo screamed then she almost kicked me in the face, but it'd of been worth it because if their face" Brooklyn laughed
"Right all three of you in bed, now!" David said sternly. Then they left to go back to bed chuckling.
"Brooklyn that wasn't funny, I almost died!." I scolded gently pushing him
"Oh believe me it was" he laughed.
"Let's go to bed cause I'm shattered" romeo said rubbing his eyes. He started walking in the direction of my room so I followed but then I was pulled back but Brooklyn.
"Stay in my room" he said
"Why, are you gonna have nightmares?" I teased
"No because the bed is bigger, and also I don't want you to scream the house down when Romeo snores"
"But my room smells nicer" I argued back, with out warning I was scooped up and placed into a cosy warm bed. Next thing I know Romeo comes though and falls down next to me, instantly falling asleep. Then Brooklyn crawls in and he's soon snoring his head off.

(Next day)
Today Harper and Cruz were going to a thingy with Victoria and Romeo had football with David so Brooklyn was gonna go out with his friends. I had the day pretty much to myself so I went home to discover my parents had went out shopping so I was home alone there too. Leah went swimming with her little cousin so I called Abby. She was with her friends at this summer camp thing in spring. So I was just chilling all morning, jammin out to music that I had blaring from my new beats pill when someone knocked on the door. I turned the music off and crept down the stairs, not intending to open the door but to just see who it was. When I'd reached the middle of the staircase I had a clear view of who was stood at the front door but they couldn't see me. It was Brad! I ran down the remainder of the stairs and flung the door open.
"Before you say anything I have something to tell you" Brad said straight up
"Kay shoot" I said
"Well I think we should break up because..." I cut him off
"I agree, we don't have enough time for each other, blah blah. Yeah we can be friends still blah, Kay bye!" I said in a perky voice with a big sarcastic smile shutting the door in his face. I waited till I heard footsteps on the gravel drive before sliding down the door and crying. I couldn't stop and I had no real reason to cry, we never saw each other, we never spent time together, we never text each other, we were hardly 'dating' in the first place. I needed someone to talk to, someone to watch chick flicks and eat Oreos with. I called Leah, no answer. I called Abby, straight to voice mail. I sat there starring at my contacts, then I just clicked on that one persons name who probably knows me more than anyone else, even tho I've only known them properly for a few months, I called Brooklyn. After the first ring he picked up.
"He, he broke up with me" I cried
"It's okay, I'll be right over. Are you at my house or yours?" He asked calmingly and understandingly.
"My house" I cried before Hanging up. I pulled myself up and walked the sofa, flopping down and pulling the comforter done off the back and wrapping it around me in my crying, emotional mess.


I'm going to see one direction on Sunday! Shout out to my best friend surprising me with the ticket and my grandparents who's paying for it!

So I have a fabulous idea for the next chapters!

Please look at the post on my account about the Brooklyn fan collage thing!

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