Chapter 7

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"See you later" I shouted to Victoria. I was walking with the kids to school today as it was warm and sunny. Harper was in her pushchair and Cruz was holding on to the side, Romeo and Brooklyn a few feet ahead. Harpers nursery was fist so I went in and dropped her off and returned outside to the three waiting boys. I held Cruz's hand to the gates of his and Romeos school. I hugged them bye as they ran off to their friends.
"Do you want me to walk you to your school?" I asked Brook in a baby voice
"No thanks, I think I will manage." He said
"Tough luck I'm gonna drop you off in front of all your friends" I said grabbing his hand and pulling him down the road to his school. At the gates his friends were waiting.
"You can leave me here if you want" he said trying to shake me off gently
"Uh uh. I'm coming to see all your friends" I said determinedly
"Ugh fine but don't tell them your my babysitter" he sighed willingly let me pull him along instead of resisting
"It's just Ollie, Jake and that weird Liam" I said
"Suppose" he said

As we neared the gates that Liam was staring at me.
"Please sort him, he's just creeping me out" I said quietly to Brook
"I'll tell him later"he said laughing
"Sup guys" I said. I got some hi's and hey'sback
"Sup babe?" Liam said
"Too far mate, too far"Ollie said
"Whatever lets go in" he said walking off
"Bye guys. Brook I won't be there tonight, well I might come after I've been skating idk but make sure you look after the littler three for me. Okay?" I said
"Okay" he agreed.
"Right bye then" I said pulling him into a hug. It lasted about a minute.

Leah was waiting for me at the Beckhams house. SHIZNITS did I thank that long on my way back?
"Sup sorry I took forever, I just dawdled back I didn't think about the time. Sorry" I apologised
"It's fine, I'm early anyways. I was actually expecting you be in bed still or in your pyjamas at least but your dressed and you've been out! Wow I'm proud of you"

"So what did your mam and dad say about you coming to Barbados?" I said putting the kettle on and getting the cups out.
" I should do what ever I want cause I'm a big girl now and I can look after myself." She said "but that said they'd pay half if I did go"
"Well when are we going shopping? It will have gone during the day when the kids are at school tho"
"I'm at work tomorrow and Thursday what about Friday? I get paid on Thursday so Friday is good to me" she said
"Well I'm shopping with Victoria after dinner today and I get paid on Wednesday so yeah I suppose it would do. Go in the morning straight after I've dropped the kids off and then pick them up at the end. Sorted!"
"Wow your busy, when are your days off" she said
" I don't really know to be honest. I have from nine till three to do what I want and I have all of today off and that's all for now. But I don't mind cause I love working here." I said
Victoria walked in just as we sat at the table with our hot chocolates.
"Just the people I want to see! Leah right?" She said sitting
"That is me" Leah said
"I have a job for yous, if you are willing to accept. I will pay yous of course" she went on
"Alright..." I said impatiently but politely
"Well I've just designed some new clothes for my clothing range and I need some models for the catalogue so I was thinking, your both pretty and would be the perfect match for my teenage girls clothes" she said
"So you want us to model for you?" Leah said
"Yeah just like put some clothes on have some pictures taken, you'll be in magazines and catalogues, Hannah your parents have agreed Leah your mam and dad will need to sign a form and you'll both need to sign a contract, if you agree of course." She explained
"I'm in" I said
"I suppose" Leah said
"That's great! Come on Friday at lunch to the building on the main street and we will sort some stuff then" Victoria said excitedly
"Right well I'd better be off anyways I've got my shift at costa" Leah's aid collecting her stuff
"Yeah I need to get ready for when were going out, what time are we setting off?" I said
"12:30 sharp, I can't wait I haven't had a shopping buddy in ages!" She clapped

I had half my stuff here and half my stuff at home which was convenient. I put on a white vest top with some light blue denim skinnys and my leather studded jacket over the top and my vans with studs on the side. I never really wore make up and just put my hair in a high pony tail and grabbed my bag, Over the shoulder black one. I had my phone in and my purse with my money and bank card and my keys and a baby lips. Not too cluttered.
I jogged down the stairs and Victoria was just collecting her bag, throwing things into it.
"That bag is like Mary poppings bag" I laughed
"It is probably the weight of it too" she laughed along with me.

The first store we went into was bank. She went picking up things for the boys while I went off to the girls and was looking for me and had my eye out for harper too. I picked up some shirts saying 'nerd' 'geek' and 'teen' for me as well as some leggings and skinny jeans. I got some bracelets and a necklace that caught my eye. I found some nice wedges and a pencil skirt. I don't think any of this stuff matched but I'd probably have something at home that would. I met Victoria in the men's she had LOADS!!!
"You ready chick?" She asked
"I'm finished in this shop" I said following her to the tills.

We went into river island next. I bought some leggings that had the woollen pattern thingy and a furry head band ear warmer thing with matching gloves. I had a jacket that would go with this and some shoes at home. I picked up a onesie and some animal (from the muppets) pyjamas.
"Do you like this for Brooklyn?" Victoria asked holding up a shirt.
"Yeah it would suite him!" I said
"I'm done in here. Where next?" She asked
"A sports shop, I need some hockey stuff." I said
"I didn't know you played hockey?" She said
"Yeah, practise on Fridays at 4-5pm and matches on Saturdays" I said paying the lady
"Oh we will have to come watch you. Do you have a Match this weekend?" She sounded very interested. It is unusual for someone to be so interested in a sport I play.
"As a matter of fact I do"
"Well would you mind if we came to watch?" She asked
"Not at all!"

In the sport shop I got new shin pads and some new tape. Victoria was interested in the boots.
"I've never been allowed in sport shops before, I've never even been allowed to chose boots off the internet or anything!" She said taking interest in a pink and blue pair of football boots. "Do you use football boots to play?" ShE said
"Yeah if we play on grass"
"Could I get you these? She said holding the boots up
"I have those at home, sorry" I said
"How about these?" She said holding up a pair of light blue and white nike boots. I'm not gonna lie they were freaking gorgeous!
"Erm. If your sure." I said
"I've never been more positive" she said taking them to the till
"Thank you. I will be sure to wear them on Saturday." I promised
"Costa now?" She said
"Sure I could just do with a strawberry banana smoothie right now" I said

I got back to Victorias house and took my things upstairs. I'd take them home when I need them. I went downstairs to find David running in with the kids from school. All of them came charging up the stairs, nearly nocking me over, Harper was struggling to get up the stairs as fast.
"What's the hurry?" I asked helping her up the stairs
"We're going to play football with daddy" she cheered
"C'mon then let's put your football stuff on" I said
"Daddy says I'm not allowed the blue one cause it needs burnt" she said as I picked the Chelsea strip out.

I walked out with of her room with her on my hip, she has her LA galaxy strip on with her cute little boots. Brooklyn came out of his room carrying his boots.
"Harper, no boots on in the house" he said joking
"I got some new boots today, they're cool you should see them" I said
"Let me guess, light blue ones?" He said
"Yeah how'd you know?" I was shocked
"My mam wouldn't stop talking about how you let her get you some boots" he said
"But you came straight up here, you didn't talk to your mam"
"My dad said in the car about how he had his head bitten off about it" he explained

In the back yard David and Romeo were wearing their LA strips too, kicking the footie back and forth.
"Hannah you should come and play it will be fun" Romeo said
"I would but I don't have anything to wear." I said
"You know you want too" David coaxed
"Fine I'll go put some trakkies on" I said running up to my room. I threw on a shirt that said '☁️ Stay cloudy ☁️' by Jc Caylen and some Adidas trakkies with my old pink and purple boots in my hand ready to put on in the garden. Half way out Victoria stopped me.
"Why aren't you wearing your new boots?" She asked
"Saving them for the big game, I have a feeling they're going to be lucky" I said
"David said he'd be coming so that means the boys will be there, do you mind?"
" no of course not, whys Harper not coming?"
"I thought she'd be a distraction but if you want she can come"
"Sure, the more the merrier" I said
"Well I think they're waiting for you" she said nodding towards the patio doors where you could see all five of them waving for my attention.
"Haha I'm off then, see you later" I said jogging off to them

"Hannah, brooklyn and Romeo versus me Cruz and Harper" David said
"Okay we're shooting that way tho" Brook said pointing to the nets behind us making David look, so Brooklyn pushed the ball out of his hand and set off running down the pitch with it me and Romeo were slightly behinD him. Once David realised what happened he shot off with Cruz hot on his heels to defend the goal. Brooklyn passed to me so I passed to Romeo and he passed back so I passed back to Brook, Cruz was in his way so he passed back. This was the chance to shoot, I was nervous, but I kicked the ball into the back of the net. My team irrupted into cheers and we hall high-fived.
The rest of the game went on like that.

"Hannah! Someone is here for you!"Victoria yelled through the back doors causing the game to stop. I looked over and Brad was stood there with her. SHIZNITS!

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