Chapter 21

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Hannah pov

So we were nearing our last few days at the villa and I didn't want to go home if I was being honest. We spent the past couple days on the beach, all together, with my mam still taking pictures. She was really good at capturing the right moment.

It was around noon when Brooklyn, Leah, Jake and I decided to go for a walk into town to see what we could do because playing beach ball and football was just getting boring. We walked by several typical seaside shops and pleases you could buy souvenirs until we found the perfect place, an air brush tattoo parlour.
"Can I get I tattoo please Lee-Lee?" I begged Leah
"Why're you asking her?" Jake asked
"Don't ask bro, the pair of them are weird. Especially Hannah" Brooklyn said
"I'm not weird and I'm asking Leah cause my mam gave my money to Leah" I said
"Why?" Jake laughed
"She didn't trust me and apparently Leah's more sensible than me" I said "anyways can I get a tattoo?" I asked her again
"Sure, I want one too!" She agreed. We literally skipped Into the shop and looked at all the designs. I chose mine and Leah chose hers and we went to the counter and told the woman what we wanted and she prepared the stencils. Leah went first to convince me it wouldn't hurt but I was still worried.
"C'mon Hannah, you wanted one. Its literally just air, I promise you can't feel a thing" Leah encouraged
"Are you sure?" I asked
"C'mon, I'll hold your hand" Brooklyn butted in.
"I'm not two." I protested but held his hand anyways. It didn't hurt at all like they told me and I even got glitter put on it! Once Leah paid the woman we left to find some other stuff to do. We found a little fast food shack thingy and decided to eat there. The food was delicious and the smoothies were just to die for. We hung around on the pier taking pictures of the view and talking for several hours.

"We should head back, it's getting dark" Jake pointed out
"C'mon then" Leah said putting her jumper on
"Ohhh but I don't wanna walk all the way back" I whined at the thought of the long walk. We must have wales a mile at least! My sandals rubbed a blister on my ankle and it killed.
"C'mon I'll give you a piggy back ride back then" Jake offered. I was not turning down a piggy back ride! We got halfway back to the villa when I fell off jakes back and landed awkwardly on my wrist. I was in so much freaking pain!
"Help me someone. Stop laughing I'm serious" I yelled at them to get their attention away from laughing at me. "I'm seriously in pain Can someone please help me?"
"What should we do then?" Jake asked
"Well she needs help off the floor" Leah said.
"Who's gonna pick her up then?" Brooklyn said
"Anyone. I don't care, but I think I need medical attention" I whined
"Leah run on ahead and tell my mam and dad, jake go with her" Brooklyn ordered taking his jacket off and wrapping it around me. Leah and Jake ran off towards the villa while Brooklyn crouched to my level.

Brooklyn's pov

Leah and Jake ran off following my orders and I crouched to Hannah's level. I was trying to stay calm and not show how panicked I was.
"Should I pick you up or will it hurt your arm even more?" I asked softly to Hannah who was now in tears
"I just want to go home" she cried. I took a moment to think what to do before I decided what would be best.
"Right I'm going to carefully pick you up and if I hurt you I'm so sorry" I said before carefully trying to pick her up but it wasn't working because she was laying on her stomach and she really needed to roll over. "Listen I need to roll you over, I'm so sorry if I hurt you" I said softly trying to stay calm. I pulled the arm that wast sore over and she rolled over groaning in pain. I kept apologising like it was my fault and I feel so bad that I was hurting her more but it is for the best. I put my arm under her knees and by her back and picked her up and she managed to put her arm on her stomach so it wasn't just hanging. I started walking back to the villa starting a conversation about this afternoon when she was scared that the air brush tattoo would hurt, just to take her mind off things.
I got to the beginning of the street and my parents and Hannah's parents came running up to is out of breath.
"Where have you been? Are you okay Hannah?" My mam panicked
"We were at the pier, and I think were all good" I answered calmly
"We've just been to the pier" my dad said still catching his breath
"We were there, well halfway from there to here. If that makes sense?"
"Okay, it's okay chicken" Hannah's dad cooed as Hannah randomly yelped in pain. "Here let me take her and I'll drive her kt the hospital" she said taking her away from me. In honesty I didn't want to let go, I wanted to hold her in my arms forever and ever but I knew I'd have to let her go seek medical treatment. We all walked back with the adults fussing over Hannah and asking me in full detail what happened four billion times. We got in and joe layer Hannah on the couch and Julie went t get ice packs and stuff like that while my mam went to pack a over night bag for her just incase she has to stay, which I'm praying to god and Jesus she doesn't. Everyone was rushing around and it was panicking me slightly. I had no clue where Leah and Jake is, presumably with the younger ones upstairs, well hopefully. I was sat at the breakfast bar listening to all the commotion when I heard something that made me perk up and pay more attention, who was going to hospital with her? I casually wandered through to the living room and sat down next to Julie and my mam.
"Well I don't want to of because I'll probably pass out!" Julie said honestly
"I'll go, so she has a parent" joe offered
"Sweetie, are you okay?"my mam questioned her
"Victoria give her space she might of broken her arm and we're sat here pestering the poor girl" my dad said
"I want Victoria, dad and Brooklyn to come to the hospital with me, please" Hannah said with pain clear in her voice. I was so worried for her
"Okay honey, let's load up in the mini van and we'll be on our way to getting your arm all fixed up" my mam said. Then that was it, everyone was in a mad dash again. Dad talking to joe about how the van drives, who cares! Mum went upstairs and got the comforter off Hannah and Leah's bed and the pillows and made a mini bed in the van which was now backed into the van and Julie was talking to Hannah about how she's a strong girl and she'll get through it no bother at all. Me on the other hand was just sat there in silence watching it all happen around me. My mum and Hannah's mum helped make a make-shift sling to keep her arm still as she walked to the van with us. Mum and I helped her get warm in the blankets then mum went and sat up front with joe while he drove, leaving me and Hannah on the back.

The pain was clear in her eyes, tears pricking them. You could tell by her facial expressions she was trying her hardest not to scream or shout out in pain. She looked pale and tired. She was shaking, I don't know if she was cold, tired, in pain, fear or what but it was killing me inside to see her like this. I just wanted to hold her and tell her everything would be alright but I couldn't as she wasn't mine and it doesn't seem like something just friends would do. All through the journey, which might I add was a hour as we got lost, was silent and Hannah managed to fall asleep somehow.

I woke her up and carefully helped her out the can and I to the hospital, she was still drowsy but by the time the doctors had given her painkillers and took her down for X-ray she was wide awake again. After four hours of basically waiting around we were allowed to leave. It turns she just badly sprained it and she had a brace on for a week and paracetamol and aspirin to take.

On the journey back to the villa Hannah kept thanking me and giving me hugs and I honestly felt so good. Even tho her wrist was strapped up she was still weary to move it and hardly lifted her arm.


Okay so...
1) sorry for not updating much but this weekend was my birthday and I was busy, as you can imagine.
2) I read this from the beginning to chapter 20 and it is actually terrible in all honesty, considering I got a English award last year in school it should be better and I know it.
3) comment who you ship more and ship names for Hannah and Brad and Hannah and Brooklyn
4) I bet non of you can guess what the plot twist is!

5) should I make a Instagram for the outfits?

P.S do you like the new cover? I made it myself and I'm quite proud if it tbh

Follow my Brooklyn Instagram and comment on my most recent post that you've read this chapter for a spam 😊. -@BrooklynArmy

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