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"Shhhhh be quiet Romeo she is gonna wake up with a pounding head can and you shouting at me isn't going to help, just let her sleep" Brooklyn whisper shouted at Romeo. I slowly sat up rubbing my eyes, Brooklyn was right I did have a bad head! "See look what you've done Romeo, just go get some water and a paracetamol for her before I throw a shoe at you or something" he said normally
"Ouch my head, it is pounding and I feel sick" I complained laying back down. I couldn't remember a single thing from last night at all.
"So, other than feeling crap, what do you remember from,say night?" Brooklyn asked awkwardly. I thought for a few minutes, raking throughout anything bad I could have done and bracing myself for the worst.
"Not a thing at all, why? What did I do? What did I say? Who did I offend?" I instantly started to panic, making my headache worse than it was already.
"Okay I'll explain" Brooklyn began "well you were dancing and then you disappeared and I found you and took you outside to sober up but then you some how got drunk again and you were getting to drunk so I told Leah I was takin you home and she said if you were to go home drunk your parents would be mad so I brought you here and you wouldn't oblige to what I was saying so I washed your face and helped you out if your shoes" he explained and then I remembered crying because of my dress. But something seemed missing, a crucial detail.
"Oh, that's it? I thought I would had done something bad or messed something up." I sighed in relief "but thanks for being my bestest friend ever and helping me out" I said giving him a tight hug. Then Romeo walked in with toast with Nutella, strawberries, water and two headache tablets on a tray. The concentration on his face was priceless as he tried to balance everything on the tray as he walked, really slowly may I add. "Awe thanks Romeo pal, your the best as well" I said hugging him after he rested the tray beside me. I took the paracetamol and then ate half my toast as I felt really sick. By now Romeo had left and it was just me and brooklyn in his room in a nice silence.
"What time is is?" I asked. Brooklyn looked at his phone and then scowled before telling me it was nine in the morning. "Why were you scowling?" I asked
"Just a text from my friend about football practice" he shrugged
"Okay I'm going to go home" I said getting up.

My parents were pretty chill and didn't ask too many questions, thankfully.
I was in my room just listening to music and watching YouTube videos when my mum came in.
"Me, you, Victoria and Harper are going to go find bridesmaid dresses" she said
"Yeah sure let me grab my stuff" I said brushing through my hair and then grabbing my bag and coat.

It wasn't till we were half way to the bridal shop when I realised we had forgotten something... Abby! "Mum were going bridesmaid dress shopping right?" I asked
"Yes and to see if there is a dress I like, if not we can go to the bridal boutique in France" she said keeping her eyes I'm the road
"Well don't you think we better take Abby then since she's bridesmaid" I said
"Shi....shiz" she corrected herself "oh no, damn I didn't think about that at all" she said
"Whelk what do we do then? They live ages away, it's not like we can just go and pick them up" I said. Mum pulled over.
"We were going to meet Victoria and Harper at the shop but if we tell them not to go because we need Abby we can go pick her up and she can stay in the guest room or a hotel" she said. We looked at each other and then thought. "You call auntie Andrea" she told me
"Hey auntie Andrea, um as the wedding is coming up I was wondering if we could pick Abby up and she could stay at ours till the wedding because were doing alot of wedding planning and as she is the bridesmaid we think it's important for her to be here" I explained
"Well sure honey, I'm sure she'd be delighted to stay at yours for a couple of weeks" she said
"Well okay were gonna start driving Down to yours now so well be like three hours? We will see you then" I told her hanging up the phone. At the same time my mum hung up the phone with Victoria and we looked at each other wondering who was gonna say first. "Auntie Andrea said we could go get Abby now" I said first
"Victoria said it was fine and inviter her lot around for supper tonight" she said starting the car and turning around for the long journey to Abby's house.

Four hours and fifty seven minutes later we pulled up at the door. Before we had a chance to unplug our belts Abby came flying out of the house with her bags, threw them down onto the ground and opened my car door and smothered me in a hug. Once I'd prayed her off of me I climbed out and hugged her properly then helped her put her bags in the boot. She said bye to her mum and then we left.
When we got home where was time to unpack before mum called us for supper. Halfway down the stairs the doorbell rang. I left Abby slowly walking down the stairs and went to open the door.
"Muuuuuuummmmmm David vic and the others are here" I yelled letting them in
"Hannah don't be so rude" my dad scolded
"Guys this is my cousin Abby, I think Romeo and Brooklyn already met her, Abby this is David Victoria Romeo Cruz Harper and..... Hey why is there a ogre in here?" I asked pointing at Brooklyn. Romeo Cruz and Abby burst out laughing and you could tell my dad David and Victoria were trying their hardest not to laugh.
"Oh haha haha" he said sarcastically jokingly pushing past me.

At the table we sat in a kind of order:- my mum opposite my dad, Victoria next to her with David opposite, I sat next to David with Brooklyn opposite, Abby sat next to me with Romeo opposite and then lastly cruz and Harper. We were all eating the chicken korma my mum whipped up in a hour with the chit chat if the wedding, mainly my mum and vic, when Brooklyn kidded me under the table to get my attention. When he had my attention he nodded his head in the direction of Abby and Romeo, who were flirting. I leant over the table to whisper to Brooklyn.
"I think they'd be cute together, I mean they're the same age and all" I said. He agreed, he was about to reply when my mum told us off for leaning across the table while eating.

After super Abby and romeo disappeared together to god knows where, mum and vic were transfixed to wedding magazines and websites, dad and David were talking about a charity football thingy Cruz was playing on the Nintendo wii in our other lounge and Harper was asleep on the floor in the hallway.
"Let's go play on the trampoline" Brooklyn suggested
"I'll be sick, I'm stuffed after that korma" I said
"Should we go for a walk?" He asked. I thought for a while contemplating the pros and cons and then agreed. I ran upstairs to grab my coat and bag then met Brooklyn at the front door.
"Why'd you bring a coat? I was planning on walking around till you got cold so I could give you my jumper" he said with puppy eyes and pouting
"Yeah in not that kind of person to make another freeze because they want to be cliche" I laughed "you did tell my mum where we are going, right?" I checked
"Yes and my mum and I got told you had to be home for eleven and considering it's only eight right now we have plenty of time" he said opening the door and gently pushing me out the house.

How do you think their date will go?

What good fanfics is there to read? <can be anyone as I'm in most fandoms>

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