Chapter 11

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I pulled back after I realised exactly what was happening and went to leave the room.
"Wait don't go! I'm sorry I really am" Brook said standing in front of the door
''I have to go" I said trying to push past him
"What? Why? I'm sorry for what happened, I promise it won't happen again" he said
"But that won't change what's already happened, will it?" I asked
"No it won't, in fact it's impossible to change. But what was so wrong with what happened?" He asked
"Brooklyn I am your babysitter, we just kissed. If your mam and dad find out I will probably be fired and it will ruin the friendship between our parents! That's what's so bad!" I said almost crying
"Whoa whoa whoa! Just chill out for a second." He said soothingly "you'll be fine, I wouldn't let them fire you. I promise"
"That doesn't change that fact that we kissed tho" my voice was croaky from almost crying
"What's so bad? I don't see the problem!" He said
"Brooklyn I'm your babysitter" I said pointing the fact out again
"So? It's not like your 29 or something your a few months older than me!" He said putting his hands on my shoulders
"But what if your mam and dad finds out or something?"I asked panicked
"Who's going to tell them? I know I won't."
"Promise me it will never happen again?" I asked
"I swear down it will never happen again" he said pulling me onto a hug. We just stood there for a while, my face buried on his chest. "You want to know something? I don't even care about what Jen does tomorrow and I'm just gonna go to school with my head up and not listen to anyone who's says any bullshit because I know it's not true. Do you know who put me in that mind frame? You did, you are making me believe in myself" he said. I didn't know what to say, what should I say? "How about we watch a movie? Yeah?"he said letting go of me and going to choose a movie
"I must go Brooklyn, I've got stuff to do" I said dashing out before he had the chance to stop me. I ran into my room and locked the door and dived onto my bed, burrowing in the duvet. I just hid there and cried a bit tossing my thoughts around on my head.
After a while I got up mentally pulled myself together and went to wash my face so no one would know I'd been crying. Unfortunate for me Brooklyn was sat out side my door waiting for me to come out.
"Listen Hannah" is all he said before I cut him off "no Brooklyn you listen to me, I don't want to hear whatever you've got to say. Just leave me alone" I said rather rudely. His face dropped and he walked off to his room and slammed the door. I went to the main bathroom and splashed water at my face before drying it and walking downstairs to do my job.

David Cruz and Romeo were in the games room playing Mario cart on the wii. They were all very competitive! I left after a few minutes to see where Harper was. She was baking cookies with Victoria in the kitchen. "Hey sweet pea! Have you had a good day?"Victoria asked
"Yeah it was okay I suppose, how was your day?"
"Ehhh. The usual" she said shrugging
"Did you have fun today Harper?"I asked
"No the new girl was being mean To me!"he said
"Why?" I asked
"I don't know, I just wanted to be friends" she said
"Go tell Hannah about it wheel your putting your pyjamas on" Victoria said helping her down off the counter.

Harper explained how the new girl, Cindy, had pulled her hair and pushed her over in the sand. I told her that maybe she wanted to be friends but I don't think she understood. I tucked her in and went to find the two younger boys to put them to bed as well but it turns out David had already tucked them in. I went and hugged them like they asked then went to see what brooklyn was doing. I literally just opened the door a crack, just enough to see him staring at the ceiling again, before I slammed it shut and ran to my room. I just threw myself on the bed and looked at the ceiling thinking about the pros and cons of life.

What happened with Brooklyn? Did I like it? Was it really as bad as I thought? Why did I act like that? Do I like Brooklyn? Would it of ruined our friendship?
We kissed. My head said no but there was part of my heart saying yes. Probably no as bad as I made it out to be. I think I was being a bit of a bitch to him to be honest. No I can't like Brooklyn I like Brad is what my head said but some thing deep down said I did like Brooklyn a lot, but I decided to keep them feelings and thoughts buried deep down. I think we'll be friends again soon, or at least I hope we are I don't know what I'd do without Brooklyn?

(-----------------------------------------------authors notes----------------------------------------------------------)
Really short I know but THANKS SO MUCH FOR 700+! Ily all so freaking much 💕🌸🌂🎀

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P.S: go read my other fanfic pretty please!

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