Chapter 10

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"Spit it out" I said getting impatient

"Well, would you take us to this party, at the soft playarea" Cruz said

"Sure if your mam and dad say you can go"

"Thanks your the best!'' He said hugging me and then running off.

At tea time Brooklyn got out of bed for like the first time that day and came to eat with us. Come to think of it he hasn't been sick today and he was acting normal, I will have to ask him about that later. Victoria made some lovely tomato soup when she came In from work. We ate in almost silence, except the small talk of what we did that day.

"How were you feeling today Brooklyn?" Vic asked him

"I felt a bit better but my head is still hurting and I was sick a few times" he lied

"Oh dear, I'll call the school and tell them you won't be in tomorrow either" she said

"I'm going back it bed, good bye" he said

"Goodnight sweetie, get better" Victoria said

"I know he's not ill, he's faking it" David said to me once Victoria had left to do the dishes

"He wasn't acting ill before either" I said

"It's out mission to find out what's actually the reason he won't go to school" David said

"Mission accepted" I said fist bumping him

It was my turn to try and ask Brook what was wrong, me and David had been trying to discreetly ask him for the past hour. I don't think he knows what were doing but were spacing it out to make it less suspicious and asking different questions.

"Are you not bored?" I asked going in to His dark room.

"Nope my thoughts are keeping me entertained"he said

"What's the problem?"

"My thoughts are more tangled than my earphones, I have a lot to think about"

"Okay, what's so interesting about the plain ceiling?" I asked looking to where he was looking, a blank spot on the plain white ceiling!

"Nothing, but I suppose you want to know what's wrong" he said

"Well yeah, how you know"

"You and my dad have been trying to get it out of me for the past hour, by the way you'd make rubbish spy's"

"Right, I'll remember that thanks."

"Well if I tell you you must promise not to tell my mam or dad or anyone" he said looking at me

"I dont know if I can do that" I said

"Please, I don't need a parent or a carer, I need a friend" he said with pleading friends

"You have plenty of friends at school, Jake, Ollie and that weird ass Liam" I said

"Yeah but they're not the people I'd want to tell, please Hannah. Please?"

"Okay, but if it's something serious I'll have to tell you mam and dad" I said

"You've just promised you wouldn't tell them" he said

"Alright, you win. I won't tell them nothing" I said surrendering

"Thank you so much, come sit it's a long story." He said patting his bed. I went and climbed In a And laid next to him staring at the ceiling like he was. "So there's this girl, Jen, and she's nice and all and we went out on a date a couple of times but lately I have like lost a bit if interest in her and she was starting to be a bitch saying that if I broke up with her shed spread roomers that she'd made up about me and I know her, she can't half lie. Well anyways I told Jake, he the one I trust the most, and he said that I should break up with her and just deal with the consequence, but I don't even remember asking her out! Like I didn't ask her out but she assumes we're dating cause we went to watch a movie and to subway? We hardly talk in person, if she sees me in the corridor at school she'd stick her nose in the air and walk off. But anyways I decided to break up with her so yesterday morning at school I pulled her asides and said that we were drifting apart and we weren't right for each other so she hit me and then promised to make my life hell. Anyways now Liam is going out with her, no surprise he always got a new girlfriend and girls probably just use him as a rebound but never mind, and now she's said something to him that's turned him against me and Ollie turned and won't talk to me and half the school are talking about me behind my back and jake won't be seen with me cause he said that Jen said to him that if he was seen with me she'd make his life hell too! Like I dont even know what to do! What should I do?"

I was literally speechless, I didn't know what to say. "Well one things for sure you can't miss school cause that's giving her more chances to spread roomers and turn more people against you while your not there, be there getting people knowing the truth." I said

"That's easier said than done" he said sighing

"I don't know, I could talk to her I suppose but I wouldn't know what to say" I said turning to him

"Would you? Like if I went and faced everyone at school tomorrow would you talk to her after school?" He asked turning to me

"I suppose I could but I can't promise anything"

"But you can try, and I just know your gonna get her to stop" he said looking onto my eyes

"I'm not promising" I said

"I know" he said.

We laid there on silence, staring I to each others eyes and before I knew what was happening our lips were pressed together for a brief few seconds.


Wow cliff hanger. Sorry for not updating sooner I know I said I'd update every-other day but I've been busy this week and I've had writers block. I would update loads this weekend but my grandad is in hospital and I have rugby and my brothers party so I promise sometime next week I'll do a double update or something, just remind me!

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