Chapter 13

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Hannah's pov

As we neared the My house Leah said bye. I hugged her and thanked her for the great day and being the responsible one, she then went into my house to get her stuff and then she was going home. I hadn't realised I was holding brads hand until we got to the door of the Beckhams.
"So see you tomorrow?" He asked
"I'm busy maybe Monday or something i dont know" I said kissing his cheek and going into the house.

"Hey, no off the couch with your muddy shoes" I told Harper picking her up and taking her shoes off. I went to the kitchen for a cloth to wipe the couch. I was wetting the cloth down and squeezing it out and when I turned around Brooklyn stormed in and went to the fridge. "I'm making tea soon, don't eat too much" I said
"Yeah cause you cook don't you" he said nastily.
"Listen I don't know what your problem is but I won't tolerate that attitude, I don't care who your mam and dad are" I retaliated before walking away from the kitchen. I cleaned the sofa off and went to see what Romeo and Cruz were doing in the garden.

"Hey Hannah! Come play!" Romeo shouted from the trampoline
"I can't I'm making your tea, what do you want? Sweet and sour chicken?"
"MMM yeah that's my favourite" Cruz shouted
"Everything's your favourite" I laughed walking back into the house

I washed my hands and started to prepare the chicken when David walked in.
"Are you making tea tonight? We were going to get a take out." He said
"Yeah I'm making sweet and sour chicken and prawn crackers, well trying to I don't really know how it will turn out" I said putting the chopped chicken in the pan of boiling water and putting the lid on. I immediately started washing where the raw meat had been to eliminate the chances of salmonella or food poisoning. I used antibacterial soap to wash my hands before going to the chip pan and turning it on for it to heat up. I went and got the little clear discs to fry and then put six At a time into the boiling oil and watching the little discs turn into prawn crackers. I as mesmerised by it but It was ruined because I filled the bowl and there was no where else to put them so I had to turn the fryer off. I took the chicken off the heat once it boiled and added Source and started boiling the rice.

Once I set the table and served the food out on plates I shouted that dinner was ready. We ate with the usual chit-chat of what happened that day and what was going to happen over the weekend and homework and grades.
"What's for pudding?" Cruz asked pushing his empty plate away. As always he was first finished and this small boy was always hungry.
"How about we get an ice cream tomorrow after Hannah's game?"Victoria said
"Awe okay then" he sighed. We all slowly left the table and went to do out own stuff, I cleaned the dishes jamming out to my music.

"I'm just going to check the guys, make sure they've done their homework" I said sticking my head in the lounge where Victoria and David were.
"Alright sweetie" David said

"Hey, no jumping on the bed" I told Romeo off
"Awe" he said sitting down
"Do you have homework to do?"
"Yes but I promised that I do my team sheet for dad first" he said
"Well get a shimmy on then, it's a early night tonight" I said helping him With his school bag
"Are you good at hockey hannah?" He asked
"Well that's a matter of opinion" I answered "like it is a matter of opinion if you think your dad is a good footballer or not, he obviously is but you get the drift"
"Well kind of" he said unsure
"After you've done your homework we could maybe watch a movie in the games room and ask Cruz if he Wants to come" I suggested
"Yeah sure, can we ask Brook too?" He asked
"If you really want, I'm going to check on Cruz now okay?" I said leaving before I got bombarded with questions

"Hey Cruz what's wrong miss potter said you weren't happy today at school?" I asked sitting on his bed crossed legged and helping him worth his puzzle
"Nothing" he shrugged not making eye contact with me
"Look I want to know. I'm not going to shout at you or get mad or anything, I just want to help you" I said softly purposely making eye contact with him. He started to tear up. "Oh Cruz you can tell me I'm your best friend" I said pulling over so I could cradle him in my knee kind of. It was kinda hard cause he's like almost nine and he was a bit big but I managed.
"Well last night I heard you shout at Brooklyn and then this morning you didn't talk to him and he looked sad, and at the park he didn't play with us till the end and I don't think you guys are friends anymore" he cried
"Of course were friends silly billy, don't cry" I said drying his eyes with the sleeve of my shirt
"Well why don't you talk?" He asked curiously
"Well today we've both been busy" I lied
"Are you sure?" He asked unsure
"I'm positive, now stop worrying it was one day and we were both extremely busy okay?" I asked and he nodded "so now do you understand?" I asked
"Yeah I get it, grown ups don't have time to talk all the time" he said proudly
"Yeah I guess you could say that if you wanted to" I laughed
"Hey can we watch a movie now?" Romeo asked coming in
"Yeah sure go get it set up and I'll make us some popcorn" I said lifting Cruz out of my lap

"Hey Hannah hurry up or you'll miss the film" Romeo shouted through
''I'll be through in a minute guys!" I yelled. I quickly collected the snacks I made and went off to the games room. I just about managed to carry all the food to the games room successfully but I did drop a can of coke. I walked in and everyone had their seats except me because someone was day there. Brooklyn!
I set the food down like a feast and squished between Cruz and Romeo, as far away from brooklyn as possible.

Brooklyn's point of view

Hannah is avoiding me now, I just know it.
It literally tore me apart yesterday to see her so close to crying, and for being the reason behind it made me so upset with myself. But that kiss was just so good!! The best kiss I've ever had, by a mile and 3/4! But was the kiss worth it? I kept asking myself that all day. Yeah sure it was great but who knows if we'll ever be the same again. I really sincerely hope se forgives me. I'll need help to think of a plan to get her to forgive me, who could help me? ROMEO! he is close with her and I'm sure he'd help me
Out if I asked him nicley.

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