Chapter XV

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After rescuing Senator Chuchi, the White Fang and the Stinger Mantis made their way to the orbit of Vassek 3. Blake then made contact with Cal Kestis via intercom. 

Blake: Cal, I think it's best if I went alone on this.

Cal(Holoprojection): Are you sure? You might need another Lightsaber by your side. 

Blake: I'll be fine, Cal. I can handle myself. Just make sure nothing shoots the White Fang down. 

Cal(Holoprojection): All right, but if you need anything, contact me. 

Blake: I will. Thank you. 

As Blake ends the call with Cal, she then turns her attention to Yang and Adam. 

Yang: So what's the plan?

Blake: The first place I'll start is Grievous's lair. If Senator Bonteri is on Vassek 3, then there's a good chance he'll be hold up there. 

Yang: At least you won't have to worry about the Empire. You should be able to walk freely just like the last time. 

Yang then took the White Fang to Vassek 3's surface with the Stinger Mantis following them. Once the White Fang landed, Blake exited the ship and began making her way to Grievous's lair. The last time she was here, she had just killed her first Jedi in the form of Master Cin Drallig. Now she was here to rescue Senator Lux Bonteri. She was soon contacted by Adam. 

Adam(Comlink): My lord, I'm picking up several lifesigns from within Grievous's lair. 

Blake: I sense it. There's someone here strong in the Force. 

Adam(Comlink): Proceed with caution, my lord. 

Blake kept her Lightsaber ready as she entered Grievous's lair. As soon as she entered, she was ambushed by Kaleesh warriors. 

Kaleesh Warrior: You should not have come here, outsider. Now you shall die! 

The Kaleesh warriors attacked her, but Blake was able to defend herself with her Lightsaber. Blake quickly realized that the Kaleesh warriors were well trained. 

Blake: (This is Jedi training! Someone must be leading them!)

Blake continued to fight her way through the Kaleesh warriors. Despite their training, Blake was able to hold her own against them. As she moved through the Lair of Grievous, she could feel a faint darkness stalking her. She could feel pain and hatred nearby. It was all too familiar to her. Blake then remembered her fight with Cin Drallig. 

Blake:(Past) I sense uncertainty in you, Jedi! It won't be long until you fall my my blade!

Drallig: The Dark Side has truly clouded your mind. There is one lesson that the Dark Lord can never teach you, how to become one with the Force!

Blake(Past): Let's see how good the legendary Cin Drallig really is!

She remembered Cin Drallig trying to go for the final strike, but Blake uses the Force to throw her Lightsaber and impale Drallig's chest. She could see the shock and horror in his eyes. But as he died, his final words echoed in Blake's head. 

Drallig: Ilia...

Despite her own uncertainty, Blake kept her mind on the mission at hand. Soon enough, she reached the cell that Lux Bonteri was held in.

Blake: Senator Lux Bonteri. Senator Chuchi has sent me to rescue you. 

Blake then frees Lux Bonteri of his binds. 

Lux: Heh. I knew Riyo would turn up sooner or later. Is she all right?

Blake: Yes, Senator Bonteri. I managed to free her with some assistance. She's unharmed. 

Lux: That's good to hear. I was starting to worry that the Empire had done something to her. 

Blake: Like I said, she's fine. She actually would like a word with you, Senator.

Lux: It's a good thing you've arrived, Master Jedi. We have to get out of here as quickly as possible. Cin Drallig's apprentice has gone insane. 

???: We're not insane. 

Upon hearing that voice, Blake readied her Lightsaber to see Ilia with two elite Kaleesh warriors standing besides her. 

Ilia: We've just embraced the power of the Dark Side. 

Ilia then ignited a red Lightsaber and raised it towards Blake. Ilia then nods to the Kaleesh warriors and they move to attack her. As they swing their weapons, Blake swiftly cuts them down. Blake then turns to Ilia and attempts to calm her down. 

Blake: Stand down, girl. I don't want to hurt you. 

Ilia: Oh you won't. He won't let you. 

As Ilia said that, loud roaring was heard. Blake prepared her Lightsaber as a Bull Rancor approaches Blake. The Bull Rancor lets out a mighty roar. 

Blake: Senator! Run! 

Bonteri quickly runs for safety as Blake goes to slash at the Bull Rancor's legs. Before she could connect, the Bull Rancor grabs Blake with it's massive hands and lets out yet another mighty roar. The Bull Rancor then throws Blake through the walls of Grievous's lair and into the arena. As Blake recovers, the Bull Rancor approaches her. Soon enough, Ilia joins her pet.

Blake: I did not come here to hurt you. All I want is the Senator. Let us go and that will be the end of it. 

Ilia: I can't allow that, Jedi. Senator Bonteri is far too valuable to let slip through my fingers. You and I both know that only one of us will leave this planet alive. 

In that moment, Blake had no choice. She had to fight against Ilia and the Bull Rancor. Blake could feel that the Dark Side had taken a hold on Ilia. In that moment, Blake couldn't help but feel guilty for Ilia's fall to the Dark Side. Now she sought to correct that mistake.

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