Chapter XXVII

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Blake's sacrifice on the Death Star allowed the Rebels to escape from the Empire's clutches. Once they escaped from the Empire, they reconvened on Tython at the Jedi Enclave that was once the home of Ghira and Kali Belladonna. As the Rebels reconvened, Riyo Chuchi spoke up.

Chuchi: Her name was Blake Belladonna. She was a Jedi Knight. A Jedi Knight who gave her life so that we may continue our struggle. Are we ready finish what she started? 

As Chuchi asked her colleagues, they all nodded to show their support. As all the Rebel leaders agreed, Lux Bonteri activates his holoprojection device and contacts Senator Bail Organa of Alderaan. 

Bail(Holoprojection): Senator Chuchi. Senator Bonteri. 

Chuchi: Senator Organa. We are ready to join you. 

Bail(Holoprojection): Then at last, the Rebel Alliance is born. Though I must ask, what made you all come to this decision? When I first brought this question upon you all, you were all hesitant. 

Lux: A brave Jedi Knight showed us the way. A brave Jedi Knight gave her life so that we fight the Empire. We are ready to take a stand. 

In that moment, the Rebel Alliance was born. As all this happened, Yang was outside the Enclave looking up to the stars of Tython's night sky. Blake's death had devastated her. Her mind fell back to their first and last kiss before Blake embarked on her final mission. As she stared into the sky, she was approached by Cal and Cere. 

Cere: She is at peace now, Captain Xiao Long. She is at last one with the Force. 

As Cere offered those words to Yang, the former Imperial pilot wiped the tears from her eyes as her thoughts fell on Blake. 

Yang: You always knew who she was? Who we all were? 

Cere: We suspected. Merrin was the only one of us who was distrustful. 

Yang: If you knew who we were this entire time, then why did you help us? Why did you help us after everything we've done? 

Cal: When Blake came to us on Christophsis, I could see that darkness within her. But in all those dark thoughts, I could see one bright spot. One beautiful thing she held on to, even at the end. 

Yang: What? 

Cal: I think you know the answer to that question, Captain Xiao Long. It's you. 

As Cal said that, Yang was overcome with sadness as well as happiness. Though she had lost Blake, it brought her great comfort to know that as she died, Blake's thoughts were of those she loved. Yang began to weep tears of joy, knowing that Blake was at peace. 

Yang: Will she be remembered?

Cere: Blake helped create this Alliance. She gave these people the courage they needed to take a stand against the Empire. While the sacrifices may be heavy in this fight, we fight knowing that a single spark of courage can ignite the fires of hope, and restore peace across the Galaxy. Blake helped make this happen. 

Yang smiled, knowing that Blake's sacrifice meant something. Blake's sacrifice allowed the Rebel Alliance to be formed. 

Cal: You might want to join us back in the Enclave. You don't want to miss this. 

Yang followed Cal and Cere back into the Jedi Enclave just as Bail Organa along with Riyo Chuchi and Lux Bonteri addressed the newly formed Rebel Alliance. 

Bail(Holoprojection): On this night, we all take a solemn vow. On this night, we vow to stand against the Empire in an Alliance to restore the Galactic Republic. 

Chuchi: Though the fight ahead will be hard, as long as we stand united as one, there will always be hope for a better Galaxy. 

Lux: Blake Belladonna has given her life so that we may finish the fight that she has started. Let us not allow her sacrifice to be in vain. 

Garm: Agreed. We will all honor Blake Belladonna's sacrifice. 

Bail(Holoprojection): It is settled then. My wealth will fund the Rebellion, while Garm provides our fleet and Mon Mothma our soldiers. And with all of us united, we have the power of the Force on our side.

In that moment, everyone in the room pledged to stand against the Empire in an Alliance to restore the Galactic Republic. As the Rebel Alliance was formed, Cere and Cal stepped up.

Cere: Let Blake Belladonna's story be an example for us all. She stood up against evil and gave her life in defense of the very ideals we now fight for. She gave us all something that we thought lost forever. She gave us hope. 

Cal: Blake gave her life so that this Alliance can be born. We are all obligated to live up to Blake's sacrifice. Though she is now one with the Force, her legacy will live on through this Alliance. It is up to us to finish what Blake Belladonna started. Let her sacrifice be an inspiration for us all. May the Force be with us all. 

In that moment, Yang witnessed the birth of the Rebel Alliance that Blake helped create. Though it started off as a mission to seek out and destroy them as enemies of the Empire, it turned into something more. Yang smiled on the scene, knowing that Blake's sacrifice helped lay the foundation for the Rebel Alliance. On that night, Yang joined the Rebel Alliance to honor Blake's memory. Though the future was uncertain, Yang was more than ready face whatever comes her way. On this night, the Rebel Alliance was born thanks in no small part to the sacrifice of Blake Belladonna

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