Chapter XXV

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In the Emperor's Throne Room on the observation deck, Cal Kestis along with the Rebel Leaders were brought before the Emperor with Darth Vader standing by his side. 

The Emperor: You are all traitors to the Empire. You will be interrogated, tortured. You will give me the names of your friends and allies. And then you will die.

Chuchi: Our deaths will only rally others.

The Emperor: Your very public and painful executions will serve as an example to the rest of the Galaxy. 

As the Emperor relished in describing the torture they would endure, Cal sensed a familiar presence through the Force. 

Cal: There may be a Rebellion yet. 

As Cal said this, a security droid played a holorecording of Blake making her way to the observation deck. The Emperor then glanced over to Darth Vader.

The Emperor: Lord Vader, deal with the girl. 

Darth Vader nodded to his master as he left the throne room. Meanwhile, Blake continued to make her way to the observation deck. As she charged along the corridor towards the observation dome, Darth Vader emerged from the shadows and confronted his former apprentice. As the two Force Users ignited their Lightsaber, the two stared each other down.

Darth Vader: I have trained you well, but you still have much to learn. 

Blake: You have nothing left to teach me! 

Without hesitation, Blake lunged at her former master, but Vader was able to block her strike. Vader, utterly confident that he would best Galen easily, opened the battle with a simple double strike. Galen was caught off-guard by the power of the blow, which jarred his wrists and shoulders and nearly disarmed him. As Vader moved in for the kill, Blake unleashes a torrent of Force Lightning which stuns him. Blake then attempts to go for an overhead strike, but Vader grips her with Force Choke and throws her back several feet. Blake soon hopped back to her feet and the two clashed blades. 

Darth Vader: You cannot defeat me. You are only as strong as I have allowed you to, apprentice. 

Blake: I am no longer your apprentice!

Blake and Vader continued to duel within the corridors. The duel soon takes them to the dome leading to the throne room. 

Blake: You killed my father! My mother!

Darth Vader: You will join them in death!

As Blake fended off Vader's series of attacks, she danced around the Dark Lord's defenses, testing their limits, all the while taunting Vader.

Blake: I don't hate you. I pity you. You destroyed who I was and made me into what I am now, but it wasn't your idea. It was the Emperor's. It's what he did to you. 

As Blake taunted Vader, the Dark Lord lunged at her and attacked her with heavy powerful strikes. Blake's speed allowed her to dodge the attacks. She was even able to land several jabs at him.

Blake: You are his slave as I was once yours. But unlike me, you've never had the strength to rebel. To rise up against your master. That's why I pity you. I will no longer serve a monster. And if I have my way, I'll make sure you don't either. 

Enraged by Blake's words, Vader ramped up the intensity of his attacks. As the duel dragged on, Blake began to slowly wear down Vader's defenses. Eventually, Blake saw an opening in Vader's defenses and took advantage of it, slashing Vader across the throat. Surprised but elated, Blake scored two more hits on the Dark Lord in short order before telekinetically pummeling Vader with any and all objects she could find. The last such missile was an energy field generator, which detonated on impact with Vader. The blast severely damaged the Sith Lord's armor and respirator, and destroyed most of his mask and helmet. Blake then lifted Vader with the Force and threw him out the window and into the throne room. Blake then jumped in and approached the weakened Vader. As she moved to finish him off, the sound of the Emperor's cackling could be heard. 

The Emperor: Yes! Kill him! He was weak, broken! Kill him and you can take your rightful place at my side!

Blake looked down on the weakened Vader. The labored and strained mechanical breathing echoed across the room. As Blake looked upon the man who brought her so much pain, anger gripped Blake as she raised her Lightsaber, ready to strike Vader down. Before Blake could come to a decision, Cal stepped in. 

Cal: NO! 

Cal sprang into action. Telekinetically seizing the Emperor's Lightsaber, Cal kills the Royal Guards in the room and charged at the Emperor. As Cal got close, the Emperor unleashed a barrage of Force Lightning on Cal. The Emperor cackled as he tortured Cal with a sadistic relish. As Blake turned her attention to the Emperor, Chuchi spoke to Blake.

Chuchi: Help him!

Blake found herself conflicted. She glanced over to see the damaged Darth Vader slowly getting up. She then turned her attention to the Emperor torturing Cal with Force Lightning. She knew that if she fought Vader, Cal would die at the hands of the Emperor. If Blake fought the Emperor, she may lose her chance to exact revenge on Darth Vader. With little time, Blake had to come to a decision. With a deep breath, Blake readied her Lightsaber and made her choice. This one choice would decide the fate of the Rebel Alliance as well as change the Galaxy.

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