Chapter XXI

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With the destruction of the Imperial Processing Plant, Blake had completed her mission. She and Adam Taurus made their way to the communications room to inform Darth Vader of her mission's success. 

Darth Vader(Holoprojection): Your actions on Raxus Prime have left the Emperor most...displeased. 

Blake: The Emperor's enemies are still scared. I am just now earning their trust. If I am ever discovered talking to you, if they even suspect my past....all of that will be destroyed. 

Darth Vader(Holoprojection): Do not wait too long to contact me. 

As Vader's holoprojection vanished, Yang entered the room. Adam nods his head to Blake as he walks out, leaving Blake and Yang alone. 

Yang: Can you trust him?

Blake: Vader won't risk my mission, even if he has doubts about me. Have we arrived?

Yang: We've reached Corellia. Senator Chuchi and her allies are all here. You have your rebel alliance. Now, what are you going to do with it?

Blake: Just trust me, okay? I'm doing the right thing. For both of us. 

Yang walked out of the room, not completely satisfied with Blake's response. As Yang left for the cockpit, Blake took a moment to reflect on everything that has transpired. Through the course of this mission, Blake had become conflicted between her loyalty to Darth Vader and her loyalty to her friends and allies. As she reflected on this, Ilia entered the room. 

Ilia: Master? 

Blake: You don't have to call me master. 

Ilia: I....I wanted to thank you for everything you've done for me. I know I don't deserve it, but I thank you for believing in me. 

As Ilia expressed her gratitude, Blake couldn't help but feel a sense of guilt. In Blake's mind, Ilia's fall to the Dark Side was her fault. Because Blake had killed her master, she put Ilia on the path of the Dark Side. At first, Blake couldn't look Ilia in the eyes. After a moment, Blake turned to Ilia. 

Blake: You need not thank me, Ilia. It was you who pulled yourself out of the darkness. Not many can say they have that strength. 

Ilia: Master Drallig always told me that only the weak follow the Dark Side. When I lost him, I became....lost. The only one I had left was taken from me. Had it not been for you, I would've remained a slave to the Dark Side. 

Ilia's words brought on a series of emotions for Blake. She looked upon the girl who's master she had killed. The strongest emotion she felt was guilt. Her mind fell back to her fight with Cin Drallig. She remembered the pride she felt in taking his life. Now that pride was replaced with guilt. 

Blake: Your....your master would be very proud to see how far you've come?

Ilia: Master Drallig was like a father to me. He was stern, yet fair. I owe him everything. He saved my life when the Temple was attacked. He....he put himself on the line for me, even suffering a debilitating injury to do so. Cin Drallig was more than just my master. He....he was like a father to me. 

Blake: Do you know who killed your master?

Ilia: I don't know. But it doesn't matter. Revenge is not the Jedi way. One of the last thing he said to me was that while we live, the Jedi Order lives. 

Blake took a moment to reflect on those words. For the longest time, she held a burning hatred of the Jedi. She dreamed of hunting them down and exterminating them. Now that hatred had long since been quelled. The hatred she held for the Jedi no longer existed. 

Blake: Perhaps your master was right. 

Ilia: Who was your master, Blake?

As Ilia asked this, Blake became silent. She knew she couldn't answer Ilia's question. Answering Ilia's question honestly would endanger her mission. Not only that, but she was ashamed. Once, she took pride being the apprentice to Darth Vader. Now after everything that she has witnessed, she began to wonder whether being Vader's apprentice was truly what she wanted. 

Blake: I had no master. I was....young when the Purge came. I was alone for the longest time. Like you, I was trapped by my own anger and fell into the darkness. 

Ilia: I'm....I'm sorry. 

Blake: Don't be. That's in the past. It's best to keep your mind on the present where it belongs. 

As Blake avoided Ilia's question, Ilia began to grow more curious about Blake's past. However, Ilia chose not to pry. After a moment of silence, Ilia hugged Blake. 

Ilia: Thank you...for everything. 

Blake was taken aback by this display. Blake couldn't remember the last time she experienced this. All she could remember was the brutal training she endured at the hands of Darth Vader. That training forged her into a weapon. Now she felt human. 

Blake: We'll be landing in Corellia soon. We better prepare for what's to come. 

Ilia nodded as she left the room. Blake now found herself in the crossroads. This was where she could choose her destiny. Whether she chose to remain loyal to Darth Vader or chose to abandon her master and join the Rebellion against the the Empire, the decision was hers and hers alone. As the White Fang landed on Corellia on a mountain summit, Blake mentally prepared herself for what was to come. What Blake didn't know was that the decision would soon be thrusted upon her by forces outside her control. 

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