Chapter XIV

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After accepting Senator Chuchi's request, Blake and Cal made their way to the construction site where the Skyhook was being built. They saw Stormtroopers working the Flesh Raiders as slaves. Blake and Cal were hiding in the trees. 

Cal: There's our Skyhook. 

Blake: You think we can destroy that thing?

Cal: I'm sure we'll think of something. 

Blake then contacts Adam to get some information about the Skyhook. 

Blake: Adam, I need help in destroying this Skyhook. 

Adam(Comlink): Just a moment....there we are. If you can disrupt that tractor beam, then the shockwave might be enough to destroy the Skyhook. I would start by destroying the traction hooks. I but should warn you, the explosion will be...violent. 

Blake: Thanks for the information.

Cal: Looks like there's six of those traction hooks maintaining the tractor beam. We'll each take three and get out of here before that explosion hits. 

Blake: Just try not to die. 

Cal smirks as the two jump off from the trees and begin attacking the Stormtroopers. As Blake and Cal cut them down, the Flesh Raider slaves rise up and join Blake and Cal in their attack. As they each destroy a traction hook, a voice comes on the intercom. 

Ozzik(Intercom): Well, now, this is a surprise...a pair of Jedi. I always hoped I'd be able to hunt one of your kind.

Blake and Cal continued to destroy the traction hooks. As they were about to move on the final pair of traction hooks, a AT-KT assault walker. Inside it was Ozzik Sturn. 

Ozzik: Are you ready, Jedi? I'm tired of hunting these filthy Flesh Raiders.

As the AT-KT began firing on the two Jedi, Blake and Cal were able to dodge and weave around the blaster fire. 

Blake: Cal! Go for it's legs!

Cal: Funny! I was just about to say the same thing! 

Blake and Cal then went for the AT-KT and slashed at it's legs. Blake then jumped on top of the AT-KT and unleashed a torrent of Force Lightning upon it. The assault walker began to stagger as Cal began climbing on it. Blake and Cal then jumped, preparing to finish it. Ozzik then tried to reason with the two Jedi. 

Ozzik: Wait! We can be civil.....

Before Ozzik could finish, Blake and Cal sliced the AT-KT in half, causing it to explode. BD-1 beeped excitedly. 

Cal: You got that right, BD.....let's finish this!

Blake and Cal then proceeded to destroy the last pair of traction hooks. As they did, the tractor beam began to overload and caused the skyhook to explode from the sky. Blake and Cal walked away as the freed Flesh Raiders celebrated this. Soon enough, Blake and Cal met with Riyo Chuchi near the White Fang and Stinger Mantis. They then spoke about Blake's proposition. 

Chuchi: Open rebellion is still too dangerous. I appreciate the help, Master Jedi. But I....

Cal: This operation wasn't my idea. It was Blake's idea. 

Chuchi then approached Blake. 

Chuchi: There might be one who could help you form the rebellion you seek. Senator Lux Bonteri of Onderon. 

Blake: I want to talk to him. 

Chuchi: I'm afraid that's not possible. 

Blake: Why?

Chuchi: Because he's gone missing. Lux knew of my...situation on Tython. Last I heard, he was trying to locate Master Cin Drallig. 

Cere: I know Cin Drallig. He was the Battlemaster of the Jedi Order. 

Upon hearing Cin Drallig's name, Blake's heart stopped. She remembered killing him on Vassek 3 in the former lair of General Grievous. 

Cere: Master Drallig has been missing since the sacking of the Jedi Temple. From what Greez was able to dig up, he was last seen on....

Blake: Vassek 3.

As soon as Blake said this, the crew of the Mantis were silent. As a reaction, Blake kept her hand trained on her Lightsaber. Cere soon spoke. 

Cere: The Force is strong with you, to sense even my thoughts. 

Blake soon calmed herself down. Merrin kept her silence as she studied Blake's movements. She could feel Blake's emotions and became even more distrustful of her. 

Cal: I guess that means we know our next mission. We're going to Vassek 3 and rescue Senator Bonteri. Who knows, we might even get Master Drallig on board. 

Blake knew that Cin Drallig was dead. Though she remembered Cin Drallig's last words. As everyone got on their ships, Blake wondered about the Ilia that Cin Drallig spoke of. Senator Riyo Chuchi would board the Mantis. 

Yang: Coordinates set to Vassek 3. Never thought I'd be going back. 

Adam: We best be careful, my lord. If Senator Bonteri has been captured, we could be facing dangerous resistance. 

Blake: We'll worry about that when the time comes, Adam. For now, let's get to Vassek 3. 

With that, both the White Fang and the Stinger Mantis began the journey to Vassek 3. Meanwhile in the Lair of Grievous, Ilia Amitola and a group of Kaleesh warriors approached Lux Bonteri who was locked in a cell. She then tossed Lux some food. 

Ilia: Eat up, Senator. 

Lux: Why are you keeping me here, Ilia? Your master would be disgusted with you. 

Ilia: You're something to trade if Darth Vader finds me. Now shut up and eat. And if you're thinking of escaping, just remember that my new pet is very hungry. 

As Ilia said that, roaring was heard in the distance. With that, Lux would eat the food given to him by Ilia, not knowing what would await his fate.

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