Chapter XI

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The White Fang soon made it's way to Christophsis in search for Cal Kestis. As the White Fang landed on an abandoned city, they quickly saw a battered crystalline city. 

Yang: Man. Looks like the Clone Wars did a real number on this place. Why would a Jedi hide out here?

Adam: According to Christophsian records, this city was the site of a relentless total war campaign by the Separatists during the early days of the occupation. 50,000 people used to live in this city. By the time the Republic was able push the Separatists off the city, it was a ghost town. 

Blake: A perfect place for a Jedi to hide. I'm going in. 

With that, Blake exited the White Fang and began searching the city for Cal Kestis. The search at first proved difficult as she found no traces of the Jedi. However, Blake spotted a S-161 "Stinger" XL luxury yacht landed in the outskirts of the city. Blake investigated it and soon contacted Adam.

Blake: Adam, I found a  S-161 "Stinger" XL luxury yacht outside the city. It matches your description. 

Adam(Comlink): Any sign of Kestis?

Blake: No, but I'm checking it out. 

Blake began walking towards the ship. Suddenly, she heard the sound of a Lightsaber igniting. Blake quickly turned around and narrowly blocked an overhead slash from a Jedi with a blue Lightsaber. Blake soon realized that this Jedi was in fact Cal Kestis. 

Cal: Not bad! The Inquisitors must've taught you well! 

Blake: I'm not an Inquisitor! 

Cal: Heh. Could've fooled me!

Blake and Cal continued to exchange blows with Cal using a blend of several Lightsaber forms, keeping Blake on the defensive. Blake soon saw a BD unit scurrying around the battlefield. 

Cal: Now, BD-1!

BD-1 jumps on top of Blake and releases a discharge of electricity onto Blake. The discharge takes her off guard as electricity surges through her body. She narrowly avoided being shocked into unconsciousness by the sheer force of her will. 

Cal: Oh not good.....

Blake soon lunged at Cal and put him on the defense. Both Blake and Cal exchanged blows until they both clashed blades. 

Blake: I'm not your enemy, Cal Kestis!

Cal: You sure got a funny way of showing it!

Cal soon used the Force to lift several large pieces of crystals and hurled them towards Blake. Blake then cuts through them with her Lightsaber. As the fight dragged on, Blake eventually deactivated her Lightsaber as a means to stop the fight. 

Blake: Listen to me! I'm not your enemy! I've come here to talk. If I wanted to kill you, you'd be dead. 

Upon hearing Blake's words, Cal was initially caught off guard. He was suspicious as to how and why Blake sought him out. As BD-1 climbed on Cal's back, he deactivated his Lightsaber. 

Cal: All right. You came to talk. So let's talk. Who are you?

Blake: My name is Blake Belladonna. I was a.....servant of the Empire. I sought you out because I need your help. 

Cal: And why do you need my help? You seem to be good with a Lightsaber. Were you an Inquisitor?

Blake: That's not important right now. What is important is you. I need your help. I need everything you know about fighting the Empire. 

Upon hearing this, Cal became interested. Blake's need for his help seemed random and out of place. 

Cal: And how do you know that I can fight the Empire?

Blake: Because I know you've fought the Empire on many occasions. I also know you survived an encounter with Darth Vader. 

As Blake mentioned that, Cal became even more interested. Cal's fight with Darth Vader was an isolated incident and he didn't think anyone outside those involved in the skirmish at Fortress Inquisitorious knew about it. 

Blake: I know you fight against the Empire, Cal Kestis. I also know that you're a Jedi. You and I want the same thing. We both want to see the end to the Empire. In order to do that, we'll need an army. 

Cal took a moment to think on Blake's offer. Cal could feel the Dark Side from within Blake, but he also felt something else. It was something Cal couldn't quite put his finger on. Despite his, Cal had his reservations about trusting Blake. 

Cal: So you want to fight the Empire? Why?

Blake: Let's just say they took a lot from me. That's all I'm going to say. 

Blake chose this subtle lie as a means of gaining Cal's trust. Though there were snippets of truth in there. BD-1 began beeping to Cal, offering his opinion on Blake. Cal took his trusted companion's word into consideration. 

Cal: BD here says he can trust you. I don't see a reason why not. All right, Blake. Let's talk about your fight.

Blake: Not here. Gather your crew and meet at these coordinates. We'll speak more there. 

Blake then hands Cal the coordinates to where the White Fang was. With that, Blake and Cal Kestis departed on somewhat friendly terms. As both left, Blake contacted Adam via comlink.

Blake: Adam. I've made contact with Cal Kestis. I've sent him the coordinates to the White Fang. We'll be discussing our next move there.

Adam(Comlink): Very good, my lord. I will make the necessary preparations. 

With that, Blake had recruited Cal Kestis for raising the army of Rebels to advance Darth Vader's plot to overthrow the Emperor and claim the Empire for himself. But Blake would soon begin to question her own loyalties as time would go on.

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